Watkins Glen TrackMasters May 1-3

Are you staying at the usual place?
No more shag green carpeting for us. We moved on to Gary's place -- The Falls Motel.
Lol ,could'nt get enough shirtlessness at the track ehh?:wink:
I want to go to this so bad, but it looks like my NSX won't be track ready until the 2010 season... :(
I'm going, so is Liquid. I love being behind your NSX when Carla is driving.... makes me feel fast.... :D
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I'm going, so is Liquid. I love being behind your NSX when Carla is driving.... makes me feel fast.... :D
Remember, Carla has her own NSX, and The Don makes her look fast!!!
So I count:


Where are we meeting for dinner on Friday?
I thought you were cooking?

We typically go to the Seneca Station on Friday for dinner. Not sure what time we are leaving on Friday so not sure what time we will be arriving. I'll check with Bob to find out what his schedule looks like.
I thought you were cooking?

We typically go to the Seneca Station on Friday for dinner. Not sure what time we are leaving on Friday so not sure what time we will be arriving. I'll check with Bob to find out what his schedule looks like.

Is that the same joint we went to last time close to the lake? where all the kids had their prom dates?
Guys I have a couple of new weapons in my arsenal this year, and they are sure to make me faster than anyone else. One is a new helmet visor, ultralight model with that tinted cool look. The other is a helmet cam, designed to capture my perfect heel and toe technique and my smooth entry and exits. I hope you all are bringing your A game to the track this year otherwise you may be slightly embarassed by me and my new gear.
hmmmm, do I respond or talk food. I'll talk food.

Yes, Seneca Station is where we saw all the prom kiddies last year. Does 7:30 work for everybody.

For those attending, PM me your cell numbers and we can coordinate when we get there.

Drive safely.