
I just bought my second. I used one for 7 years, but then last month i moved, though i followed the proper procedure for moving the bed, it did get leaky, so i bought a new one.
In the time i had a waterbed (softside), i found that about 80 percent of all peeps who have tried one abslolutely love the thing, the rest absolutely hated it.

For me (!!):

- Supports realy well your back.
- You never get that 'can't find the right position' thingy.
- Bed is warm when you step into it.
- Cheaper then a GOOD matress.
- Very, very comfy.
- Much, much more hygienic then a matress. If you remove the top sheets, you can see how much salt and other skinbits are left on top of the bed. On a normal matress, these get soaked into the matress. You be suprised what you find on there after only a month.

- If you use a less stabilized version, the movement of your bed might be annoying (no issue for me).
- It can get leaky.
- The temperature of your body is controlled by the bed (sorta), instead of your body controlling the temperature of your bed, as with a normal matress. This can get quiet annoying sometimes during warm/cold periods. I do have to add that me misses is having less problems with this matter.
I experienced all sorts of symphtoms when my bed was to cold.

That said, i do have to add that my first bed was a 'Halcyon' and my new bed is a 'Luna rest', and only afetr a few nights, i already can tell the difference between them. So there is more to it then just a bag full of water.

I have a new water bed and love it. Its a king size and is made up of tubes so you dont get that ocean movement when your moving around on it. Some questions that I had when I bought mine was.

1) What if it leaks ?

He said that the matress is a pool design and that it will contain any
water that leaks .

2) I asked what about in the winter time will it get cold and will I need a water bed heater ?

He said NO this new design has a padded top and radiates your body heat
back. I find there is no difference between this and a reg matress as far
as warmth.

3) I asked about the weight of the water bed.

He told me you need the right platform for it and that was it.....but the
thing is very heavy. P.S. If I knew the bed was nothing more then a
platform built out of mdf I would have built my own with Birch PLy for a
fraction of the cost .If you have any questions you can pm or call me.
I have slept on a waterbed since the early seventies. Mine is a non-baffeled free-float mattress so, it can get a bit sloshy when getting in or out of bed.

I would suggest 5 things to keep in mind.
  1. Use a mattress pad to limit the problems with temperature fluctuations.
  2. Get a waterbed heater to maintain a constant (or close to it) temperature in the mattress.
  3. Make sure you use an algaecide in the water to keep it clean.
  4. After filling your mattress, burp the air once a week for about 6 weeks to eliminate the sloshing sound (a waterbed without air in it is soundless).
  5. Keep a patching kit handy for the extremely rare leak (I've had only 3 leaks in the ~35 years of waterbed ownership, all of which were caused by my cat).
After you get your waterbed, be prepared to be less than pleased when you are forced to sleep on a conventional mattress.
When i bought me second waterbed, i expected to pay 2.5 times more then i payed 7 years back (like all stuff i buy these days), but funny enough, it was actually cheaper then 7 years back.

180cm x 200 cm Dual bag, medium stabilized, 2 heaters + temperature divider, and all other hardware (ex. base) 589 Euro's.

I actually constructed the waterbed into a 'normal' bed, can't see it's a waterbed ;)

Make your own base, it's such a ripoff.
Wow.. so many positive responses, but I thought I'd throw in my .02

I had an ultra-waveless waterbed for 6 years. I hated it when I got it and hated it 6 years later. It never felt right, I didn't like the 'warm' feeling getting into bed. Vinyl is just a few layers of cloth away and I sometimes felt clammy and damp.

I'm very happy with my Serta now and I sleep well and feel great getting up.

mikec said:
Wow.. so many positive responses, but I thought I'd throw in my .02

I had an ultra-waveless waterbed for 6 years. I hated it when I got it and hated it 6 years later. It never felt right, I didn't like the 'warm' feeling getting into bed. Vinyl is just a few layers of cloth away and I sometimes felt clammy and damp.

I'm very happy with my Serta now and I sleep well and feel great getting up.


Go check one out now and I bet you cant even tell the difference between a high quality mattress.
this is the bed i spotted.i think it is relly nice.you can have it as soft or firm as you want,depending on how many layers you want.they install the bed for you and give you a pack for the upkeep of the bed (and possible punctures)