Watch out for those deer!

1 December 2008
Cruising home on I-15 from a meeting last night doing about 80 when out from the trees to my right strolls a deer interested in playing a little game of "frogger". I swerved and almost missed her! Her head was down and hit my passenger side mirror and clipped it right off...:frown: Gone. Body damage was minor to passenger side door, but will need repair and paint.

Been driving in Montana for 29 years and have never hit a deer. Then I hit one with my dream car....

Could have been way worse. Can't imagine how the front end of an NSX would launch a deer into the air.

Anyway, keep scanning when you get into deer country!

How did the deer look? I plan on eating any deer that strikes my car, because most deer don't have liability insurance. If I can't recover the cost the normal way, it has to be by not buying beef for a while.
Any merit to those sonic wind driven devices you can attach to the outside bumper that are supposed to warn deers of an approaching vehicle?

I've always conidered the device as bogus
Not sure if they are bogus or not. Used to see a lot of them. I haven't seen any in quite some time except on an older buick or something like that. I wouldn't put them on my car. There really isn't a good answer for deer except being sharp and aware.
I was on a drive with some fellow Nsxer's and have video of me striking a deer....lucky for me there was no damage as It was a youngin and I just happen to hit him right sweeping him off his feet and off to the side.

Umm NWS language so turn the sound off

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