Washington future event ideas

10 August 2003
Bellevue WA
I think NSX-D's post deserve to have its own thread:

NSX-D said:
Well, if there is a Holiday Party, we should try to plan a schedule at that time. Or if others have ideas for the year including NSXPO 2008, then throw them out on this thread and somebody come up with a schedule for the year.

1. Beginner Track Day (Pacific Raceways)
2. Lapping Days / Advance high performance days (Pacific Raceways or Portland Int'l Raceway)
3. NSX Autocross challenge (Bremerton Raceway - no membership required like SCCA, at least 3 or 4 events (Sundays)
4. Summer Picnic (John's House or Lake Sammamish State Park in Issaquah)
5. NSX/S2000 Mt Baker Drive (late August)
6. NSXPO 2008
7. Monthly meeting other than 1st Saturday at 11:30am
8. NSX/S2000 Karting Race at Pat's Acres or Sykart in Tukwilla
9. ?

Any other ideas? Lets finalize this and make it official and make it it's own thread. This is a great time for everyone to voice there opinion.

Hey POLAR! Maybe email this thread to the NW NSX mailing list.

As far as the track days or lapping days, I know we won't have enough cars to rent the track but if we picked the same day to show up that would be cool. Remember those that want to do the lapping days must complete the beginner track day 1st. Again, let's choose a day were we could have several cars there. Most beginner classes and lapping days are Mon-Wed of each week. Check out www.proformanceracingschool.com for more info.
I think all are good ideas. I'd like to see us get more involved...do more things. Perhaps move the claim jumper meet to a more central location (even Bellevue would be better than over in Redmond)...and while I'm on it, why Claim Jumper? I don't even really like that place, does anyone? (hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes).

Maybe we should move the time/meeting place around a little. Seems like some people can never make Saturdays. Perhaps we could even meet up at say Acura of Bellevue or Park Place auto...or a go cart track or anything to do with Acura/Honda/Cars/Japan whatever...

The Audi club meets every wednesday at Fierbrand (German pub in downtown Seattle by REI) for beers/chatting. Makes sense...german cars, german beer...etc etc. Is there something like that we can do?

I'm sure Zahn would offer up his parking lot on the weekend, allow us to put a car or two on the lift, or go over some tech stuff, etc etc..something more involving? (it's a nice resource to have a local mechanic who is an NSX owner, perhaps we should use that more as well).

Just some out loud thoughts.
german cars, german beer

Japanese rice rocket... Sushi?? :)
Put me down the one that never showed up, I tried, but it's just never worked...

I would be down for Track day, AutoX... especially we are going to join some club... @Pacific Raceway, I would recommend Speedware
I think all are good ideas. I'd like to see us get more involved...do more things. Perhaps move the claim jumper meet to a more central location (even Bellevue would be better than over in Redmond)...and while I'm on it, why Claim Jumper? I don't even really like that place, does anyone? (hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes).

Maybe we should move the time/meeting place around a little. Seems like some people can never make Saturdays. Perhaps we could even meet up at say Acura of Bellevue or Park Place auto...or a go cart track or anything to do with Acura/Honda/Cars/Japan whatever...

I'm sure Zahn would offer up his parking lot on the weekend, allow us to put a car or two on the lift, or go over some tech stuff, etc etc..something more involving? (it's a nice resource to have a local mechanic who is an NSX owner, perhaps we should use that more as well).

Just some out loud thoughts.

I think this would be a great idea! Somewhere near a major freeway like 405, and the best Idea was to meet somewhere where we could put our cars on a lift or do a dyno run or get some input from a mechanic. Maybe an acura dealer would like us to show up! $$ But sushi I do think is a bad idea.
There are a few that support the claim jumpers meet.
Or we could do it like last year, to insert another meet in the middle of the month.
But the challenge is to find a ideal place with enough parking and don't need reservation.
There are a few that support the claim jumpers meet.
Or we could do it like last year, to insert another meet in the middle of the month.
But the challenge is to find a ideal place with enough parking and don't need reservation.

I think we've done well in the past on mid week nights. Say 7-7:30PM or so after most of us are off work. I like the idea of picking a couple of places that work (north end, south end, whatever....) and just making it happen.

I think we have enough people at this point that we can manage at least monthly socials. Hell even the 2KI guys manage to eat tacos once a week for the last five plus years... lol...

I know it dies off during the winter months but come on.. seems like we've all been slacking lately. Let's get something setup.

If it works better for people let's all just meet up at a park and ride and go from there.
I have quite an easy schedule... but can't seem to make to CJ meets due to the time. By the time I get up I would need to get there in 15 mins...:). But just like Eric said, I don't like CJ anyway.
Red Robin Woodinville
Riki Riki Sushi below TGI Fridays in Kirkland
Or TGI Fridays
Red Robin off of 520 hwy. in bellevue
I was just joking when I mention sushi. (well, it happens to be one of my favorite, with Italian and Thai).
I used to be really excited about meets and especially the mid month meet with different variety of activities.

Unfortunately, my work consumed my life until late at night. ummm, maybe one of those times you guys will swing by to my work place and say hi to me. I still check here often and will join whenever/wherever i have a chance.
I have quite an easy schedule... but can't seem to make to CJ meets due to the time. By the time I get up I would need to get there in 15 mins...:). But just like Eric said, I don't like CJ anyway.

Hmmmm, someone likes to "Party like a Rock Star". I can't get up by 11:30 am. been there:wink:
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Instead of the Claim Jumper at 11:30 Saturday (which is kinda in the middle of the day by the time you get out of there, how about the Red Hook Brewery in Woodinville, WA. Lots of parking, good menu, and we could start around 6/7pm. I know we will never please everybody but we should please the majority. What we should do is have everyone offer there opinion on the monthly and mid-monthly meets and have everyone pick 1 thing they would like to see or doduring the year (spring/summer/fall). Since I have started going to the Claim Jumper meets in 2003 I only see a few of the same owners. On occasionion others pop in that were there before 2003. It would be nice to know how many NSX's are truely in the NW and those that want to be a part of the group. We should get a dealer involved or maybe Park Place LTD. Have you every seen Park Place's late summer Porsche Party. They had over 700 rsvp's this year and most of them did not buy from Park Place.

Like John@microsoft said "even the S2000 guys meet every Tuesday for tacos. We should be able to pull off once a month in an organized way.

Instead of the Claim Jumper at 11:30 Saturday (which is kinda in the middle of the day by the time you get out of there, how about the Red Hook Brewery in Woodinville, WA. Lots of parking, good menu, and we could start around 6/7pm. I know we will never please everybody but we should please the majority. What we should do is have everyone offer there opinion on the monthly and mid-monthly meets and have everyone pick 1 thing they would like to see or doduring the year (spring/summer/fall). Ideas?

Redhook sounds ok. Nice drive their last time. Little tight on parking as I recall but do-able. I know it is hard to find the right regular spot. The golf course was nice, secure parking.. but expensive and I thought their food sucked- I was never really impressed on the dining.

We should get a dealer involved or maybe Park Place LTD.

Park Place sucks. No offense to the occupation Dean, but my idea of a relaxing club meet doesn't involve car salesmen blowing smoke up my ass. PP = No chicks, parking or food. You and Ferand are still welcome to come thou. LOL. :smile: :biggrin:

Have you every seen Park Place's late summer Porsche Party. They had over 700 rsvp's this year and most of them did not buy from Park Place.

What is it, 1 out of every 10 sports cars sold is a Porsche or something like that. I think we'll always be hard pressed to get much in the way of turn-out unless we team up with the 2000 or Audi guys or something to better up our odds. Right now we are having Alfa, not Miata meets. :cool:

For reference, the Bremerton Porsche meet draws 85 cars!!

To be frank, I for one don't think that's a bad thing. We have a tight nit group and we have all seen NSXes before. Most of us value quality over quantity anyway. :wink:

IMHO the problem we had up to this point is really three-fold:

1) Many worked on Saturdays and flat out couldn't make it or manage to get their butt out of bed on time.
2) Some were bored with Claim Jumpers (whom make a delicious apple cinnamon muffin I might add) :tongue:
3) We will always have a bad weather turn-out rate, and unfortunately we live in Seattle which has detail unfriendly weather. Low-turn out means less are inclined to show next time, and so less show up, etc...

Personally, I am also all about new digs. I don't care what people drive socials are about socializing.

We should be able to pull off once a month in an organized way.

I agree, we all seem to agree that we need to find another 'regular' monthly meet place. Some place with flat secure parking, central location, good food/atmosphere, and as to scheduling.. say a mid-week night 6/7pm (first wed of every month?) that fits the majority I'm thinking might be the ticket.

In short, if it is somewhere you would want to actually drive your NSX to, guys will show.

See how it goes, go from there. I'm open to everyone's thoughts on that 'right regular place'. Then stick a varying social in-between as suggested (carts, dining, etc...) and we should be gold on opportunities.

Ultimately we are all going to need to compromise a little.
Another idea is just to have 3-4 of us and get together to put together the annual schedule and see what everyone thinks. Some socials, some track/autocross days, monthly/midweek meets, and of course NSXPO.

As for joining another club, I would not mind joining up with the S2000 guys, they are known to be a little younger, but they do like to drive and normally love the NSX's. A lot of them participate in track days and autocross events.

I'm probably another year away from another NSX, but I think I am going to buy an S2000 to hold me over Til the NSX arrives. So I would be all for joining the S2000 guys.
Another idea is just to have 3-4 of us and get together to put together the annual schedule and see what everyone thinks. Some socials, some track/autocross days, monthly/midweek meets, and of course NSXPO.

Great idea Dean. That might be the better approach. That's how the Audi and Porsche clubs do it. Why don't a few of us meet up for Coffee and just make a 2008 calendar. We can always change as we go if something doesn't seem right.

As for joining another club, I would not mind joining up with the S2000 guys, they are known to be a little younger, but they do like to drive and normally love the NSX's. A lot of them participate in track days and autocross events.

Might not be bad in small doses. We could give it a go. Their seems to be a few different clicks their.
Lets meet at Red Hook this Tuesday 6:00? Just an idea to start the think tank.
I drove by the north gate mall and seems like they have a new parking building there. Bellevue square top level isn't as busy as in the weekend either.

Another idea is to find someone good at photography, professional or not, show up in our meet.

I will most likely show up at the track events :)
I drove by the north gate mall and seems like they have a new parking building there. Bellevue square top level isn't as busy as in the weekend either.

They said on the news not long ago that the park n' ride lot and general area around the Northgate Mall is the worst place to leave anything parked.

I will most likely show up at the track events :)

I think we can work out some more common DE scheduling. We'll never be able to even come close to filling our own days. Maybe designate to run Alfa days at PR or Porsche days at PIR or something like that. Pick one of the better clubs to run with.

Seems strange we can't get turn-out like the Japan dudes do. :confused:


I could be at Red Hook Tuesday at 7pm, unless I'm selling a car! Count me in.
Cool...good to see meets starting up again. I can't go this week since I have all my out of state family in town for thanksgiving...catch you guys next week.
Tomorrow at 6:00. I will be the one drinkin an ESB:biggrin: