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Wanted: Useless/Burnt/dead clutch

2 July 2003
Virginia Beach
That's right, for those of you who have changed your clutch because your old one doesn't grab AT ALL... I want it. I would highly prefer the 97+ but am willing to look for the dual disk also.... now I KNOW that if it's just sitting in the garage.. here's a perfect way to get rid of it...

Going to use it to experiment a little bit.... That's why I'm looking for one with no bite left.

I believe I have one in the garage from a '91. It will be a hodge-podge of parts.....Centerforce pressure plate, OE springs...... Let me look tonight.


thanks a bunch,
still searching...

I had some responses...

There's gotta be some out there somewhere....

thanks a bunch,
I'll be using the frame to make another clutch.

ok.. anyone who helps me I'll cut them in on the deal. It's not all that but it's still kinda cool..
