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Wanted: Car Cover

16 October 2003
Los Angeles, CA
My dogs tore up my cover to shreds, LOL!

I'm looking for a nice cover, OEM or other nice cover (preferably water proof, not just water resistant). Must be in good condition. Thanks!
Check out past vendor thread from KHrant on the car cover with NSX logo he is putting out. I ordered one under a special price offer which has expired, however, I believe the current price is still competitive with the market:cool:
Very nice looking cover, Hrant.

It's too bad I missed that thread; I was too busy buying the NSX that week! (Read: Any exception on that "special" price, pretty please?) One with a red logo interests me...

Seriously, other than looking great, what are some advantages of the custom over the OEM? I can't store the car in the garage, so rain is a big concern to me. Does it repel dust better?

Regarding my dogs (Rott/Shep mix), they can crack bones like hyennas, but are sweet pussycats around people! I guess I'll just let them enjoy the old cover from now on!

Folded size given limted storage space {see pic in the trunk!]
Lent free - no fuzzy cotton lent left after each application
Tear resistent - lifetime limited warranty unless you are using for training dogs LOL!
Water resistent [but not water proof - doubt any on the market can claim that]
Will not rot or mildew
Has built in UV protection
Better securing against wind [both front and back have tie downs as well as lock in the center]
Customized logo color

Disadvantage: Does not have that fuzzy warm feeling ;)