WALK4HOPE Photos Are Posted

21 August 2003
Edison, New Jersey
Ok don't any of you have a seizure :eek: After a restful evening I had some time at 4AM and posted the photos for your viewing pleasure under the Walk Post http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?p=823785#post823785

I hope all of you who attended recovered from the exercise, heat and the drive home.

Enjoy the photos :smile:
It was nice to see that the photography didn't suffer by my absence. Why was Roger walking alone? Did he finally manage to offend everyone and be banished to his walking fortress of solitude?

Although I was unable to be present in person, I was there in spirit (as well as wallet) by "participating" in the Race for the Cure in D.C. There were over 50,000 people down there and since I couldn't drive anywhere on Saturday morning with all of the streets closed, I did my fair share of walking as well as contributing in our nation's capitol.

Next year, try not to schedule it on a weekend that I am away.......
It was nice to see that the photography didn't suffer by my absence. Why was Roger walking alone? Did he finally manage to offend everyone and be banished to his walking fortress of solitude?

Although I was unable to be present in person, I was there in spirit (as well as wallet) by "participating" in the Race for the Cure in D.C. There were over 50,000 people down there and since I couldn't drive anywhere on Saturday morning with all of the streets closed, I did my fair share of walking as well as contributing in our nation's capitol.

Next year, try not to schedule it on a weekend that I am away.......

First thanks for the compliment on the photography I appreciate the slower things in life from a behind the lens perspective :smile:

Actually Roger ran and none of us could keep up with him :eek: :eek: I had to shoot at 1/4000 of a sec to capture him as he slowed down to say hi on his way back. The 70 police escorts clocked him running 85 in a 40MPH zone :rolleyes:
Start making plans to keep your schedule clear for the first weekend in June 2008, the event is already scheduled :cool: Having experienced Veterans day and other events in DC when I was visiting Josh I sympathize with the closed roads and hope you brought a good pair of shoes since you have to walk just about everywhere. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Hope all goes well in DC :cool:

Did any of you see that Roger guy anywhere??
Alright Bob,the truth, first thanks to Alan for trying to cover for me. I tried desperately to keep up with Clem, damn that guy can move, so first I fell behind, tried to listen to Sylvia and Sissie talk shopping with Larry, but Peter told me that this was a waste of time, so I dropped back even further, I then passed Josh who was running backwards to convince everyone that he had already finished, oh well..............truth is that without you, nobody could keep up with Clem!!!!:eek:
my fav foto...

roger looks like either starsky or hutch of team nsxca...:biggrin:

thank you, alan.