VOTE: Keep regional forums or not?

10 February 2000
I set up regional forums after several requests. Most of them seem to get decent traffic. The theory was that the General forum gets so much traffic that people who don't follow it every day might miss posts about events in their region.

However some people prefer to post regional info in the General topic because that is where the most people look.

It doesn't really matter to me one way or the other, but I am not going to keep them AND have region-specific messages in General. If we have regional forums, region-specific messages posted in General will be moved into them.

So let's vote - do you want regional forums or do you want to eliminate them and keep everything in General?

(P.S. This is only for the US regional forums - I will keep European forum regardless)
I'd suggest keeping them -- IMO still good to get region-specific event info in one place that is less-busy. General forum has a LOT of activity, and the regional stuff can easily get lost.

Info on general events like NSXPO will still be posted on the "General" forum.
Even if not involved directely I would say that it is better to keep them. It is much easier for people living in an area to keep track of activity happening there, specially if they are not always on Prime like many of us!
Please keep them. Some of us (like myself) only get to look at the board for a few quick seconds at a time during the work day. The regional forums make it so I don't have to search through lots of stuff to keep up.
Keep them for sure.

I know it's lazy of me to say this, but I think it would be cool if somehow I got email whenever a new regional topic was posted.

Since they are so low volume, and often of great interest to me it would be nice to know when a new topic is created to track it, just a thought...
Get rid of them. That way we only need to check one forum, not a bunch of forums.


I'm just kidding. We should keep them. But I thought it would be nice if someone played the devil's advocate.
There goes Ken again trying to pretend to be an advocate.

If for no reason other than peer pressure, gotta keep them. Plus, it assists those snooty northeasterners in being able to avoid the flyover portions of the country.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Get rid of them. That way we only need to check one forum, not a bunch of forums.


I'm just kidding. We should keep them. But I thought it would be nice if someone played the devil's advocate.
LOL !!

I say keep 'em.