Vortech help?

2 December 2003
Hey, my boyfriend just got a vortech supercharger for his 01 cobra. he wants me to help him install it and im always eager to get my hands dirty. now, i know this isnt an NSX but i was wondering if you guys could maybe just give me a basic idea of how to go about this...i would hate to get in there and mess things up. thanks so much!

No offense, Red, but if you are asking this question (& assuming your boyfriend is equally knowledgeable of the process) the best way to go about this is to look up your yellow pages & look for a performance shop specializing in this type of installation. This really isn't a trivial process for someone inexperienced in this type of install. These are supposedly bolt-on kits I believe but still should require some familairity with this kind of upgrade
Actually, if you can get a reference on a good shop in the SLC area from someone knowledgable that would be preferential to picking blind from the yellow pages.
Again, no slight intended - unless you and/or your boyfriend are intimate with this kind of work, not something you really want to tackle.
.....but i was wondering if you guys could maybe just give me a basic idea of how to go about this.....

The supercharger kit didn't come with instructions?
thanks for your help guys. the kit was ordered used so there are no instructions. we're probably going to call up vortech and have them send us some though. thanks!