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21 January 2004
Be careful in dealing with this guy Vizal !!! I sent him $800 over a month ago to get a wing for my NSX. I called him, left e-mails. After about 7 e-mails saying "The wing will be there any day now....." he still did not deliver the wing. He told me that his supplier was the reason, yet he continued to tell me "I recieved the wing, and will send it tomorrow....." THE WING NEVER GOT HERE. I finally had to call a biuddy of mine here in Omaha who works at Paypal to see what could be done to get mey money back. Once I told Vizal that I was talking to the Paypal authorities, he THEN promptly got my money back. The whole things ended up costing me $55 in transactions fees...... You are warned...
I can understand that his suppliers were not deliverying, However, I cant understand that for one month I had to CONSTANTLY call him or e-mail him to get information on the status of the wing.
Re: Watch this guy !! - Vizal

I agree with evo...but if the retailer keeps saying it'll ship tomorrow and it never does then that starts another problem. At least you were able to get your money back minus the $55
Re: Watch this guy !! - Vizal

I here ya, I guess what pissed me off was that he had my money, PROMPTLY. All he had to do was tell me that he was having problems with the supplier. But after 3 weeks .... then he tells me..... just seems like before you post something like that implies you have the merchandise you should have it.
Re: Watch this guy !! - Vizal

Sorry to hear about what happened. I have personally dealt with Vizal and ordered thousands $$$ worth of stuff from him. He's been more than honest with the whole transaction. He's been a long time member here and I dont think he planned on deliberately delaying your shipment. I'm sure it's just a mis-communication from the supplier. I'd buy more stuff from him anytime.
Goodluck and hopefully things works out for you next time.
Re: Watch this guy !! - Vizal

Well its good to know you guys are speaking up for him... That makes me feel a lot better. I hope things work out for him and he gets things straightened out with his supplier...
It's a shame that I had a bad experience because his supplier was jacking him !