VIR March 25-26

7 October 2002
Chapel Hill NC
Anyone joining on the North Course March 25-26? It's a great group, usually with a few NSX's there. $320 includes instructor.

This will be my first time at VIR in the NSX, so I'm really looking forward to it. ..and now that I've moved to NC I'll be several hours closer.

Xavier, NCdogdoc, Edgemts- you guys out there? -Howard
heh.. that's mike's favorite course configuration... i hate turn 7 b/c i'm so aggressive i always hit the inside lining of my car w/ the rear tire...

and yet i never back down.. that's my own fault.. anywho.. yeah i may go.. nothing else lined up for that month...

If everything is a go with the rat, I hope to be there. North course is my favorite, but I will still be setting up the suspension so no promises as to lap times:D
sweet.. it's my chance to take advantage of the crippled rat.. :tongue:

I'll do it too... :wink:

uh-oh, VB is trash-talkin' already. You gotta lose some weight to keep up with NCDD!

I've never been to VIR with the NSX, but North Course is my favorite configuration. I'll be the slow guy, getting blown away by 350hp RX-7's ...and well-driven Miatas :eek:
heh.. i need to lose more than weight.. :redface:

actually i'd probably need a small jet to work that beast..:wink:

per another post, VB has just signed up to instruct at this one. I'm signing up soon. Who else is in?


Edgemts, where are you?

AK- C'mon down!

Gottspd, time to gott on the road to VIR. -Howard
ak- Get your slow @$$ down here. :biggrin:

Looks like we're getting a pretty good group together for this one.

(PS- I was telling my neighbor about VIR and I think I've got him talked into trading in his Cayenne for a Carrera ...but his pregnant wife may think otherwise)
I'm signed up. If everyone here does likewise, we'll have SIX NSX's there.

Make it happen!!!
I am supposed to instruct there that weekend,
I may be there the 24-26 with our 996 race car.
We just got back from VIR we took 2 1st's and a second place.
I may even have my NSX ready.
Re: VIR March 25-26. Who is in?

I'm in. So is "ak". and I'm pretty sure "VBNSX".

Mike? Gary? Jason? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?

Looks like the Raleigh, NC guys are looking for an excuse to get together so I've invited them to come up.
now's my chance... no charger.... oh yeah.. :biggrin: hoping that tiny wing will hold you down.. tee hee hee..

but just in case I may have to pull out my secret 'sheet' :wink:
