Most of the story is posted here.
Here is the clif notes.
The Camera crew is standing on a bridge waiting for us to parade by, they filmed the group go by, so they then decide to pack up.
Just then they hear the M3 roaring down the highway, they said he was running flat out.
They pack up the rest of the stuff, and then look up and see a police car screaming down the road after the bmw.
The bmw driver had no idea the police were chasing him, as the cops were so many miles behind him.
The camera crew had a police scanner in there car, and were listing in on the chase.
The cops had been chasing him for over 15 minnutes, they even had a plane up in the air looking for him.
The bmw cought up to the group we were in and passed all of us. 2 minnutes later the cop passed all of us, as we were doing 100+ the cop had to be doing 150 easy.
We all called the Bmw to warn him they were after him, so he got off the highway and hid behind a barn. They got out of the car and stashed the keys.
The plane spotted them, and called in the troups.
They towed his car and arested him, they wouldn't tell anyone why until the next morning at court.
The juge was not to happy about what happened, he asked how much this race car cost that they were driving.
The bmw driver said 150.000.
The juge asked if he had a lawyer, he said no I want a court appointed lawyer. The juge got mad and said if you can afford a 150.000 car you can aford a lawyer.
He set bail at half the value of the car 75.000 cash only, no bond.
It should have cost him 1,000 bucks to bail out.
He ended up getting charged with 7 or 8 different things, but he got of because they didn't catch him behind the wheel of the car.