VIDEO: Type S Super Impression

That S Zero that ran a 12.45 is insane. It has got to be the ringers that Honda's normally brings to best motoring.
that vid is buried somewhere on prime....I remember thinking how odd to use such a dusty (closed) circuit to test a car's behavior.The tires and low grip probably acounted for a lot of the drifting.
The follow-up battle at Tsukuba:

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I didn't see this one before, nice post, thanks! Pretty hard to see them driven like hell on a 'track' where a slight fault would destroy one of these seldom cars. :eek: Good driver then...:)
WTH didn't they sell any of these outside of Japan! :(:(:(
Zomg teh imola can nevar lose. The amount of win is

Seriously, great find on the second video...i enjoyed it much!