Video compilation

ROFL.... funny stuff.
Amazing how many of those clips we've seen on prime before. And equally incredible the amount of seriously bad tasting mods there are out there! :roll:

Thanks Lud! Worth the <B>15MB</B> download!
That was posted hear on prime awhile back. It was a valet who was driving the car!!! Man, after seeing that video......I will never, ever have my car valet'd. Maybe tip the valet to park in their spots, that's it.
donwon said:
Anyone know the story behind the black car jumping the median and into that parking lot? Thats crazy!

I saw the extended version of that video. The black car(MR2 i think) hit a golf in the back, and pushed it about 10 feet forward. It messed up the taillights, and the rear bumper of the golf. alot of #$@^$&* in the video
It's An HONOR to be Included

WOW what an honor to be featured in such a compilation of bad taste!

BTW the my CRX finally died last year when it put a rod thru the block. Track drivers everywhere (especially at Chin Motorsports) are breathing easier with it out of the way for FTD award.

RIP The Crawfordmobile AKA SuperCRX
donwon said:
Anyone know the story behind the black car jumping the median and into that parking lot? Thats crazy!

Yeah. I was there and left one minute before the crash happened. Basically this kid was trying to show off and somehow lost control of his car and careened into the parking lot. My NSX was parked infront of the Golf that got hit, and it most certianly would have been damaged. I left becaue that kid and few others were starting to do stupid shit and I knew that something was going to happen.