Very Scary!!

8 November 2001
I recently had a conversation w/ someone who called in reference to parts for sale after discussing the parts were not actually the parts he was in need of so the subject changed to NSX restoration talk.
After a causual 20+ minutes on the phone I had mentioned that if he could find me a salvage title car for me to rebuild and or re-sell as a salvage title car.I had mentioned that if he did find me a straight salvageable car w/ only body damage I might be interested "although" I insisted that I want complete records of that car and maintainance records etc.(to re-assure myself and or a potential buyer)
He had mentioned to me at that point that he had a friend @ DMV that "erases salvage records" for $250.00.And re-assured me that not only had he done this before on many cars further he assured me that the title would be clean of all salvage scars and in my hands "before" any payment was due.
I casually ended the conversation and got off the phone and thought to myself; Wow that is scary to think the NSX,Ferarri,Lambo you buy as a second owner w/ clean title could have passed through this slimebags hands....
And I'm sure he's not the only one w/ a DMV connection like this.....
A person like this may have the exterior of a rich man or well off "but" is pathetically poor inside and deserves the lack of self-esteem it takes by acts like this....

Yes,that one reason to buy only a new one .I'll try that on her she what she says.... :)
Honey --- we need to get out of this car ASAP we dont know where it's been...We need a NEW ONE :)
