27 July 2004
Hi I was surfing around and I crossed this forum with a situation that I in. Please read daswine's post and you will understand everything. I am in almost the same exact postion. I wanted to know you people's point of view especially any of the woman. on here. Since you guys are more of a mature crowd I would like your opinion better. Thanks.
Thread post-

"I have a situation that I can't just seem to get away from. I was too embarrassed to talk to my girl about it so I tried to look around on the interenet for people maybe in the same situation and came across a forum with the same exact situation besides the exact age which isn't even important. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me your inputs epcially any of the girls here. The situation he is in is very very similar, the only difference is that I lied to her and said I have had others. I told her I was a little jealous that I was not her first though, she says that she really regrets her first and always tries to lie to herself and others that I was her first. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR INPUT. "

The situation...

"see... this could sound dumb..but for me it is a big problem T____T
i've had a girlfriend for 7 months now, im 17 and she's 20 and we really love each other, the more the time goes by, the more I love her... but, 6 months ago I discovered something about her, she had a boyfriend for 3 years, before another ex-boyfriend that i know.... I've had no other girlfriends before her, and i really feel like she's the one... she really makes me feel she loves me... but im a virgin, and she's not.. i can`t get that out of my head... i talked to her about it, but we didn't get to the bottom of it, because i didn't want to... im scared to loose her for something like that... yet, as time passes by, that thought comes back to my head... and now it is really hurting me.... don't know if I can take it anymore, in a beggining it wasn't so bad, but now I can't take it... i'm giving her something that she didn't save for me that's how I feel about it....
Now.. if anyone could tell me what you think about it plz tell me what should I do, i'd appreciate it ."

Thread post-

"The problem is not that I am inexperienced. My girlfirend think that I am a sex god. She even said so while we were having sex. The problem is that I don't know if I can go on without dweling on her past. She has only been with on other guy and before that no one else. She went out with him for a few months and said she regrets giving it up to him. She said I AMT THE BEST at everything. I know she liked me for a long time even before she went out with the other guy. But even though she regrets it I can't help but let it bother me that I lost my virginity to her and she gave hers up before me. Keep in mind I am in love with this girl. I don't want any pep talks about there will be other girls in the sea or like you have many years ahead of you. I am just saying just pretend that you know that I am going to be with this girl. She wil be the only girl I have ever slept with. I lost my virginity to this girl and she gave hers up but not to me. It just pops up in my head randomly at times and just pisses me off. She and I have talked about it and she said that she seriously regrets it and she felt nothing for it. and that she pretends that I am her first and she tells her friends tha too. So I don't know its just bothers me so much that I couldn't be the one to take her virginity if I am so special. And thinking if Iw ere to be with this girl for the rest of my life knowing I have only been with one girl and she has been with 2 guys. The only thing I can think of is to cheat on her and never letting her find out for me to feel the least bit better. HELP ME OUT. Its killing me. "

thread post-

"It's not about me pleasing her in bed. It's just if we are so special to one another, how come she couldn't give me what I gave her and I am the guy. It just really pisses me of sometimes because it would randomly pop up in my head once in a while. Just think about it...picturing the girl you love being touched by another guy. She said the she was scared of saying no so she just went with the flow. She cries and wishes she could take it all back. She says she thinks of me as her first spontaneously without even having to make her self thnk that. But still a little part of me gets so jealous. Like I have to go out out and cheat on her and full fill the lies that I told her being that I have slept with others. Shes says tha tshe has never question me about my past because she KNOWS that she would be doing the same thing I do and trip over the past. I know it really sucks and I shouldn't dwell on the past but I can't help it sometimes. Please try to understand. There has to be more people that understand where I am coming from. Thanks for all the advice so far. More is appreciated. Thanks a lot.

Hey dude, welcome to NSXprime.
We don't have Dr.Phil on this forum. 28 view hits so far, and nobody has posted a reply. So I'll stick my neck out and be the first. :) My heart goes out to you. Relationship problems can be really messy.

Forgive my bluntness, but let's cut to the chase.

You keep going around in circles on the issue of virginity; how special it is to you. If it truly was so special to you, you would have waited until you were older, married, or in a much longer term relationship. A 7mth relationship at the age of 17 seems like a long time, but in reality it isn't. That doesn't mean you don't love her any less. I say this because I think you're making the virginity issue more of an issue than it really is.

From what you've posted (i cant view the 300ZX forums) I believe the deeper issue is not about her virginity, but your own insecurity & fear. I could be totally wrong; examine your heart openly and you'll soon know. Because she already slept with someone that plays on your insecurities and fears of "maybe i'm not good enough". No matter how many times she says you're a Sex God, you'll still crave that reassurance.

It just really pisses me of sometimes because it would randomly pop up in my head once in a while. Just think about it...picturing the girl you love being touched by another guy.
Bingo. That's those insecurities talking to you there.

One thing that seperates men from boys and men from women is a man's ability (or lack of) to control his thoughts and emotions. You'll see women cry without meaning too. But men can control their emotions & thought processes. (that doesnt mean men shouldn't cry; quite the opposite. Also, it doesn't mean women can't either... geez... i love political correctness :D )
Some of the most admirable men i have met in my life have been those who are strong-minded. Don't confuse that with strong-willed or stubborn, but where a guy can face an issue (talk it out) and then say "ok. so she slept with another guy. i accept that. it's the past".... and then put it behind them and leave it there. If that nagging thought comes back, they deal with it "No. i've dealt with that before. it's no longer an issue". It's not easy... actually, it's sometimes impossible, but that is what makes a man strong.
A man who continually struggles with the same reoccuring issue over and over and over again is weak. (how many of us guys are willing to admit we are weak in areas? :( ) It's when we overcome a fear, a problem, a situation that we become stronger, and this leads to increasing true self-confidence.

it's getting late here... so i'll wrap this up. just a couple of other thoughts:

Any thought of cheating on her for whatever reason is just BS and plain stupid. You'll be hurting yourself, and you will REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hurt her. Don't even think about it. Next time that thought comes into your mind, get rid of it. don't entertain it.

See... what we think, is what we speak, is what we believe and what we become. If you think about porn all the time, you'll talk about it and it will effect your character. Before you know it, you'll be making compromises you might not have made otherwise.

Your first post didn't sound good with you lying to her about stuff, she was lying about stuff, you unable to talk to her about this. I'm sure it's worse than it sounds in writing. But if you can't be honest with each other and face these types of issues, then your r/ship won't last. I know you didn't want to hear that. You have to be able to work out stuff like this. when u do, it's meant to make your r/ship stronger. The women i know hate it when a guy dances around an issue. we should just face it. Oh... except facing the issue about how $10,000 ended up in car mods... that's different. :D

if she's really hurt and wishes she could turn back the past, your insecurity isn't going to help her. I dont mean be fake and put on an act of being strong. just you need to deal honestly with the issue that is causing your heart to be full of fear before you can be strong.

man...i'm tired... and now i'm going around in circles. :) Hope this helps you bro. Being a man these days isn't easy. My heart really empathizes with what you and this other guy are going through.
EN ES SEX TC said:
...The only thing I can think of is to cheat on her and never letting her find out for me to feel the least bit better....

:rolleyes: Whenever someone makes that kind of statement it is indicative of being too immature to handle a situation. Have you ever considered that she may eventually cheat on you?

Good luck with your senior year in high school.
Wow! This is uncomfortable giving sex advice to a minor.:eek: Dude, relax a little. It is not the end of the world. You always think it's the one when your 16 or 17, and if this doesn't work out, then you will find another "one" and then laugh at yourself for thinking like you did. Calm down and let it ride for a while (not literally of course, your only 17:)) because given your age and experience, your not mature enough or ready to even contemplate these decisions. Why teenagers complicate matters and dwell so much is beyond me, but it really brings back memories. :)
DocL said:
:rolleyes: Whenever someone makes that kind of statement it is indicative of being too immature to handle a situation. Have you ever considered that she may eventually cheat on you?

Good luck with your senior year in high school.

All the more reasons why you may not be mature enough to handle a serious relationship. The High School years are supposed to be fun, so get on the bus, go to study hall, eat on of those crappy soyburgers, stay out of trouble, and stop sweating the small stuff. I promise that you will look back on this and laugh. I wish I could go back and do it again. :rolleyes:
NeoNSX said:
Hey dude, welcome to NSXprime.
We don't have Dr.Phil on this forum. 28 view hits so far, and nobody has posted a reply. So I'll stick my neck out and be the first. :) My heart goes out to you. Relationship problems can be really messy.

Forgive my bluntness, but let's cut to the chase.

You keep going around in circles on the issue of virginity; how special it is to you. If it truly was so special to you, you would have waited until you were older, married, or in a much longer term relationship. A 7mth relationship at the age of 17 seems like a long time, but in reality it isn't. That doesn't mean you don't love her any less. I say this because I think you're making the virginity issue more of an issue than it really is.

From what you've posted (i cant view the 300ZX forums) I believe the deeper issue is not about her virginity, but your own insecurity & fear. I could be totally wrong; examine your heart openly and you'll soon know. Because she already slept with someone that plays on your insecurities and fears of "maybe i'm not good enough". No matter how many times she says you're a Sex God, you'll still crave that reassurance.

It just really pisses me of sometimes because it would randomly pop up in my head once in a while. Just think about it...picturing the girl you love being touched by another guy.
Bingo. That's those insecurities talking to you there.

One thing that seperates men from boys and men from women is a man's ability (or lack of) to control his thoughts and emotions. You'll see women cry without meaning too. But men can control their emotions & thought processes. (that doesnt mean men shouldn't cry; quite the opposite. Also, it doesn't mean women can't either... geez... i love political correctness :D )
Some of the most admirable men i have met in my life have been those who are strong-minded. Don't confuse that with strong-willed or stubborn, but where a guy can face an issue (talk it out) and then say "ok. so she slept with another guy. i accept that. it's the past".... and then put it behind them and leave it there. If that nagging thought comes back, they deal with it "No. i've dealt with that before. it's no longer an issue". It's not easy... actually, it's sometimes impossible, but that is what makes a man strong.
A man who continually struggles with the same reoccuring issue over and over and over again is weak. (how many of us guys are willing to admit we are weak in areas? :( ) It's when we overcome a fear, a problem, a situation that we become stronger, and this leads to increasing true self-confidence.

it's getting late here... so i'll wrap this up. just a couple of other thoughts:

Any thought of cheating on her for whatever reason is just BS and plain stupid. You'll be hurting yourself, and you will REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hurt her. Don't even think about it. Next time that thought comes into your mind, get rid of it. don't entertain it.

See... what we think, is what we speak, is what we believe and what we become. If you think about porn all the time, you'll talk about it and it will effect your character. Before you know it, you'll be making compromises you might not have made otherwise.

Your first post didn't sound good with you lying to her about stuff, she was lying about stuff, you unable to talk to her about this. I'm sure it's worse than it sounds in writing. But if you can't be honest with each other and face these types of issues, then your r/ship won't last. I know you didn't want to hear that. You have to be able to work out stuff like this. when u do, it's meant to make your r/ship stronger. The women i know hate it when a guy dances around an issue. we should just face it. Oh... except facing the issue about how $10,000 ended up in car mods... that's different. :D

if she's really hurt and wishes she could turn back the past, your insecurity isn't going to help her. I dont mean be fake and put on an act of being strong. just you need to deal honestly with the issue that is causing your heart to be full of fear before you can be strong.

man...i'm tired... and now i'm going around in circles. :) Hope this helps you bro. Being a man these days isn't easy. My heart really empathizes with what you and this other guy are going through.

WOW!. That was definately the kind of advise I was looking for. Thank you so much Neonsx. Anyone else like that. JUST FOR CLERIFICATION. I am not 17. I stated the situation is alike bsides the exact age. I am still young only 20. and she is 19. I thank you for all of the advice so far. But The ones that say this may not last more than a year. Well I am 20 and I know the way I feel for her and even if its a small chance. what if she is the only woman that I will sleep with and that she is the "one". Maybe its my male ego thats killing me that she has slept with someone else and that I havn't. What do you guys think. Please I am looking for similar advice that neonsx gave. That was mjust very helpful to MY situation. Thanks agian.
School should be the first on your priority list, as relationships get in the way of clear thinking and goals. If you are well educated and get your career going, then you can look for that perfect one. If she stays with you and supports you(not money wise) completing your schooling, then you should entertain the thought of being with her. I remember thinking this way with my other head and getting lost in relationships rollercoasters. I was always told to get an education first, then find love. I should have listened to my parents more!
We all have idealistic goals in life about how we want things to happen, including the person we fall in love with. However, you have to keep in mind that when it comes to matters such as love, you have little control over who you fall in love with and the situations which may arise. It takes a great deal of maturity and understanding to be in a serious relationship. With that said, if your girlfriend means that much to you, you can overlook her past and realize that it happened before she met you. She is entitled to her past. Part of loving someone is accepting them for everything that they are. I'm sure if your relationship is strong enough, you'll be able to see yourselves through this situation. :)
jlindy said:
The High School years are supposed to be fun, so get on the bus, go to study hall, eat on of those crappy soyburgers, stay out of trouble, and stop sweating the small stuff.
Soyburger, yum.
What school did you go to that offered soy burgers? All we had was that yucky cafeteria pizza and sloppy joe crap.

Oh yeah, back to the original topic. Don't sweat it, give it a little time, and you'll forget all about her past. Neo's advice is right on.
PHOEN$X said:
Soyburger, yum.
What school did you go to that offered soy burgers? All we had was that yucky cafeteria pizza and sloppy joe crap.

Oh yeah, back to the original topic. Don't sweat it, give it a little time, and you'll forget all about her past. Neo's advice is right on.

Just an average joe high school in St. Louis. It's pretty sad when you would rather have vending machine donuts than the cafeteria food, but what else can you expect for a $1.
#1. for about 99% that does not marry their highschool sweetheart and have one lover all their life: Most people have to deal with someone else nailing their current gf first. Deal with it.

#2 you're a freakin tool. you have a serious situation on your hands and you should just be talking it through with your gf, instead you are asking complete strangers on the internet, on boards you don't even frequent. You're very insecure, and obviously afraid of many things, grow up.
satan_srv said:
#1. for about 99% that does not marry their highschool sweetheart and have one lover all their life: Most people have to deal with someone else nailing their current gf first. Deal with it.

#2 you're a freakin tool. you have a serious situation on your hands and you should just be talking it through with your gf, instead you are asking complete strangers on the internet, on boards you don't even frequent. You're very insecure, and obviously afraid of many things, grow up.

HAHA kinda mean but TRUE. Oh so TRUE
Hey you should look into stem cell research; maybe future advancements can grow a "virgin" vagina and that can replace your "special someone's" vagina a la organ transplant. :D

If you can't be honest with her why be with her at all? If it is really love between you two why should such trivial matter of who lost their virginity to who, when, and how...etc matter? :confused:
satan_srv said:
#2 you're a freakin tool. you have a serious situation on your hands and you should just be talking it through with your gf, instead you are asking complete strangers on the internet, on boards you don't even frequent. You're very insecure, and obviously afraid of many things, grow up.

well someone had to say it.
I saw the words virgin, sex, and ages 17 and 20 and quit reading.
personally i think this guy just needs some ol' Leykis 101.
Come on !!!!!!!!

Lets not turn NSX Prime into I village. Next thing NSX Prime and Womens Lifetime Network will start sponsering Prime with Tampon ads.

My advice is to take your hand and grab your cojones and ask yourself if you are a man.
EN ES SEX TC said:
Thread post-

"I have a situation that I can't just seem to get away from. I was too embarrassed to talk to my girl about it so I tried to look around on the interenet for people maybe in the same situation and came across a forum with the same exact situation besides the exact age which isn't even important. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me your inputs epcially any of the girls here. The situation he is in is very very similar, the only difference is that I lied to her and said I have had others. I told her I was a little jealous that I was not her first though, she says that she really regrets her first and always tries to lie to herself and others that I was her first. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR INPUT. "

The situation...

"see... this could sound dumb..but for me it is a big problem T____T
i've had a girlfriend for 7 months now, im 17 and she's 20 and we really love each other, the more the time goes by, the more I love her... but, 6 months ago I discovered something about her, she had a boyfriend for 3 years, before another ex-boyfriend that i know.... I've had no other girlfriends before her, and i really feel like she's the one... she really makes me feel she loves me... but im a virgin, and she's not.. i can`t get that out of my head... i talked to her about it, but we didn't get to the bottom of it, because i didn't want to... im scared to loose her for something like that... yet, as time passes by, that thought comes back to my head... and now it is really hurting me.... don't know if I can take it anymore, in a beggining it wasn't so bad, but now I can't take it... i'm giving her something that she didn't save for me that's how I feel about it....
Now.. if anyone could tell me what you think about it plz tell me what should I do, i'd appreciate it ."

Thread post-

"The problem is not that I am inexperienced. My girlfirend think that I am a sex god. She even said so while we were having sex. The problem is that I don't know if I can go on without dweling on her past. She has only been with on other guy and before that no one else. She went out with him for a few months and said she regrets giving it up to him. She said I AMT THE BEST at everything. I know she liked me for a long time even before she went out with the other guy. But even though she regrets it I can't help but let it bother me that I lost my virginity to her and she gave hers up before me. Keep in mind I am in love with this girl. I don't want any pep talks about there will be other girls in the sea or like you have many years ahead of you. I am just saying just pretend that you know that I am going to be with this girl. She wil be the only girl I have ever slept with. I lost my virginity to this girl and she gave hers up but not to me. It just pops up in my head randomly at times and just pisses me off. She and I have talked about it and she said that she seriously regrets it and she felt nothing for it. and that she pretends that I am her first and she tells her friends tha too. So I don't know its just bothers me so much that I couldn't be the one to take her virginity if I am so special. And thinking if Iw ere to be with this girl for the rest of my life knowing I have only been with one girl and she has been with 2 guys. The only thing I can think of is to cheat on her and never letting her find out for me to feel the least bit better. HELP ME OUT. Its killing me. "

thread post-

"It's not about me pleasing her in bed. It's just if we are so special to one another, how come she couldn't give me what I gave her and I am the guy. It just really pisses me of sometimes because it would randomly pop up in my head once in a while. Just think about it...picturing the girl you love being touched by another guy. She said the she was scared of saying no so she just went with the flow. She cries and wishes she could take it all back. She says she thinks of me as her first spontaneously without even having to make her self thnk that. But still a little part of me gets so jealous. Like I have to go out out and cheat on her and full fill the lies that I told her being that I have slept with others. Shes says tha tshe has never question me about my past because she KNOWS that she would be doing the same thing I do and trip over the past. I know it really sucks and I shouldn't dwell on the past but I can't help it sometimes. Please try to understand. There has to be more people that understand where I am coming from. Thanks for all the advice so far. More is appreciated. Thanks a lot.


Rio...... thats a lot of info and thats wheree your at NOW!

Ask yourself this
1-"what do you want?
2-what are you willing to do to get to resolution?

If you will be completely honest and willing there is hope.

If you prefer you can PM me or not.

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Re: Come on !!!!!!!!

blackcat said:
Lets not turn NSX Prime into I village. Next thing NSX Prime and Womens Lifetime Network will start sponsering Prime with Tampon ads.

My advice is to take your hand and grab your cojones and ask yourself if you are a man.

OK Black cat stop PLEASE !!!
Your always whining like a BI$%CH in public LOL!!
:D :cool: :D :cool:
Re: Re: Come on !!!!!!!!

MYNSX said:
OK Black cat stop PLEASE !!!
Your always whining like a BI$%CH in public LOL!!
:D :cool: :D :cool:
HAHA, blackcat = Mr. $ensitive all right. :D Makes you wonder why the womenfolk aren't lining up to marry him, doesn't it? :p (J/K bro! ;) )
Re: Re: Re: Come on !!!!!!!!

PHOEN$X said:
HAHA, blackcat = Mr. $ensitive all right. :D Makes you wonder why the womenfolk aren't lining up to marry him, doesn't it? :p (J/K bro! ;) )


Everyone gang up on BLACKAT.

LINCH HIM!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

Hey Phoenix I just called him and razzed him already.

He said since the drop in testosterone and the estrogen injections have messed with his hormone levels he hasn't been feeling quite himself,furthermore Blackat added the sex change operation is a "GO" and he's very exited. He's tired of being so cold and insensitive and can't wait till this is over.

We love ya' Blackat!!

:D :D :D :cool:

You can be my LITTLE BI$%H!!