Has anyone had the experience or opportunity to request to see the reading on a radar gun that was used as the basis for writing a speeding ticket. I have had two experiences. The first was many years ago where the officer offered to show me his radar gun because we were both quite surprised that my little 4 cylinder could actually go that fast. He turned out to be a nice guy with local authority, ended up letting me go and saved me from the State Trooper who was waiting a few miles down the road. My second and most recent experience was quite different. Before I could even get my window down this guy was yelling the speed that he claims I was traveling. Because it was only 15mph over the limit on a state highway with no traffic, his overly dramitic demeaner seemed excesive, and to be quite honest, I think he was trying to pad the bill for who knows what. When I requested to see the reading on his radar gun, he hitched up his pants, lowered his voice, and stated that his radar gun was calibrated at 8:05am that morning. I'm not one who likes to be given the brush off when asking a direct question, so I asked again. Same answer. After a bit more discussion he stated "Sir, for the third time I am telling you that my radar gun was calibrated this morning and if you disagree, you can make your case to the judge." Now the way I see it, the only way that would work was if the judge was sittin in his copper car, so you get the drift. Does anyone know the law on this example where you are assumed guilty and any proof otherwise is considered kept secret by your accuser. I know everybody has lots of stories but I am looking for what my rights are as a citizen and what I can do without getting my ass kicked by some pot bully cop.