Vancouver Island Cruise July 26th

5 December 2004
Victoria, BC, Canada
Hey gang, we're knocking around the idea of a cruise from Victoria up to Parksville on Sunday the 26th. Drive up, hang out, go play some mini golf :cool:. Times are TBA, but start thinking about it!

EDIT: Date changed to Sunday
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From what i heard from a couple of guys, it would be nice to set of a little earlier and to be in parksville for around 12pm-1, that way ppl can be back before dinner time.

set a departure time for 10am meeting from the Spectrum school parking lot would probably be a safe bet.

what are everyone elses thoughts?
Major construction in front of Spectrum school. Thats my usual route to/from my house and I won't use that stretch. How about move it up to the corner of Mckenzie and Burnside road west at Saint Josephs school parking lot? :cool:
So Sean??? Whats up? nsx only or? I know the s2 guys would be interested. I spoke to Kevin (KJM54) with the widebody and he's in.
Sure Jason, we can do a joint meet with the S2K guys. You wanna let them know and update them as we hash out a plan?

So, rough idea:

10AM - Meet up at St. Joesephs school parking lot (Corner of McKenzine n' Burnside)
10:30AM - Hit the road for Parksville
12-1ish - Arrive, find some where for some lunch action (Suggestions?)
Afternoon - Parksville minigolf, then cruise back
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On the way up we should go through cowichan bay and come out of duncan and carry on back to the hwy. As for lunch we could hit up Cactus club in Nanaimo. Parking lots a decent size as well. If we finish lunch early enough we could rip to Port Alberni before or after mingolf if you guys are up for it and stop at cathederal grove for some tree huggin! Turn around and head back. Vote it out boys. Thats my 2 cents. :wink:
On the way up we should go through cowichan bay and come out of duncan and carry on back to the hwy. As for lunch we could hit up Cactus club in Nanaimo. Parking lots a decent size as well. If we finish lunch early enough we could rip to Port Alberni before or after mingolf if you guys are up for it and stop at cathederal grove for some tree huggin! Turn around and head back. Vote it out boys. Thats my 2 cents. :wink:

you fruit.
I like the idea of Cow Bay. What about going up further off the highway through Crofton as well? I haven't been up there in a long time, would it be any good for a cruise?
This was from mid isle s2k- he lives up that way: joboo noticed on the nsx thread hondatech was asking about the back way to Crofton. Took that route last week and its a good ride even for the lowered cars. I would suggest the following if they decide on that way.

Cowichian bay to the brand new Maple bay connector road, only been open 4 weeks. Maple Bay road to Crofton road. Crofton to hwy or follow scenic route road further up to Chemainus and hwy or keep going further up to Ladysmith with the scenic road. The roads are all in good shape. we did this route after dinner last week.

You will be looking at approx 20 min longer to do scenic route but you do by pass Duncan and all that traffic thru town. And it is a nice drive. John

So Sean - you can add him (John) to the list and DDonovan (Dave)
Well lets see then, we've got:


Mid Isle S2K
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I would be down for this if my car wasn't so stock and beat up looking :frown: You know surprisingly Victoria has got quite a few NSXs running around...
I would be down for this if my car wasn't so stock and beat up looking :frown: You know surprisingly Victoria has got quite a few NSXs running around...

Pfft, whatever Jeff, bring it on out next weekend! You're right about the number of NSXs in town... I think we must be up around 13-15...
Pfft, whatever Jeff, bring it on out next weekend! You're right about the number of NSXs in town... I think we must be up around 13-15...

Wow that many? :eek: Anyways, I can't make the cruise... Sunday is the last free day I got to get the other car ready for the car show on Aug 3.
So, we're looking at:

10 AM Start at St. Joesephs school parking lot (Corner of McKenzine n' Burnside)

10:30 On the road. Turn off at Cowichan Bay road, head through Cowichan Bay. Take the new Maple Bay connector road to Maple Bay road. Through Crofton, up through Chemanus, then back onto the Island Highway at Ladysmith.

1(ish) - It's been suggested we do Lunch at Cactus Club in Nanaimo (801 - 5800 Turner Road), which will probably take around an hour and a half. So at around 2:30, we'll open the floor to further ideas, if peope want to head up to Parksville for minigolf, or out to Alberni, or at that point, may need to start heading back.

More pics please!
some pics


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