Valentines Day Gift Thread

26 August 2008
New Jersey
so what did you guys end up getting or planning on getting your significant others for vday???

my brother and i just finished making some home made edible arrangement thingies for our GFs and mom...


Keep the ideas flowing.. I won't be seeing my significant other until Thursday. We are leaving that afternoon for skiing so no fancy dinner etc. as an option.
I didn't do anything fancy, I bought some nice Filets, marinated overnight and cooked them for dinner last night with potatoes and dessert. I bought 12 roses at the grocery store,($19.99) put 11 of them in a vase on the table. I took the 12th rose, tore the petals off of the and put them in her bath for her before dinner. I did buy her some really nice chocolates from a local place that makes them in house that she gets tonight. After 28 years of marriage and 32 years together makes it easier as she doesn't want me to spend a lot of money on it.
got her a bag of mulch for the garden :eek:

I thought you got her that for Christmas.:confused: Oh never mind. I remember now. You got her that rototiller.
Flowers for my wife- I tracked her down at lunch and hand delivered them.

Stuffed monkey for my Daughter.

My wife already stated not to make plans for the evening, and I know a friend of ours is going to be watching Lila, but i have no idea what she has up her sleeve.

Hopefully not divorce papers. LoL

I got her a carton of smokes. :biggrin: Lights because I care. She doesn't need all that tar being pregnant and all that jazz.

Renee got 10 years worth of gift in one year a few years back when I dragged my ass through waist deep snow to spray red food coloring in 20 foot letters.... "Happy Valentine's Day Renee on the slope in the front of house.
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