Valentine One: Gotta get one

9 February 2000
San Diego!!!!
Got back from NSXPO a couple of days ago, and while all the cool NSX and NSX related events are etched in my memory, one thing that really stuck out to me was the use of Valentine One's on the caravan down to San Diego. I must say that having a number of them in our group was extremely reassuring, particularly after observing their performance while heading south through Central California. As far as I know, we had mulitple hits all followed by confirmation a minute or so later. I was not aware of any significant falsing incidents.


I must get one for myself ASAP!!!!


FuryNSX-I totally agree. After being the sweeper on the I-5 convoy @ SLIGHTLY over the limit, V-1 sounds good. Is that guy still installing the display in the rear view mirror? Keep me posted on your progress, I'm interested. Gil;)
I agree 100%. That thing definitely saved our rear ends on Sunday. Even though I was pulled over, at least we had time to slow down to a more acceptable speed.

I was pulled over because he thought my SoS 7000K HID Kit looked like a fake HID blue bulb replacement... he let me go once I turned it on for him... the police officer was cool... and complimented our cars.

I'm on my third one. About to order my 4th one. :)

Conrad, if you're on your 4th one does that mean you bought 4 of the actual units? If I understand you can just buy the new versions' "software"? Is that even possible, or do you have to buy the new unit everytime to be completely protected?

A few of my friends have these--nothing but good things to say about them.

The old unit can be upgraded to the updated version. Get online to Valentine1, enter the serial number, and it will tell you the cost of doing so. No need to buy another one. However, if you still insisted on buying new one as it comes to the all mean, I'll take your old one off of your hand :D aaahhhhemmm.conrad;)

Conrad, if you're on your 4th one does that mean you bought 4 of the actual units? If I understand you can just buy the new versions' "software"? Is that even possible, or do you have to buy the new unit everytime to be completely protected?

A few of my friends have these--nothing but good things to say about them.

yellowpad said:
The old unit can be upgraded to the updated version. Get online to Valentine1, enter the serial number, and it will tell you the cost of doing so. No need to buy another one.
That's true. Incidentally, it's not just the software that gets upgraded. They send you an entirely new unit. So, if they have made the unit lighter/smaller, you get those benefits, too.

It's not inexpensive to upgrade, but still, it's less than the cost of buying a new one...
I'm aware that I can get my V1 upgraded/replaced by Valentine Research. IMO, it is quite an expensive upgrade. What I do is just sell the old V1 unit on eBay. I've gotten $350-$370 for the past two V1's I've sold on eBay.... and they were both at least 2-3 years old. It sure beats the $189 plus shipping that my 3rd V1 will cost.

I still haven't decided what I'll do with my 3rd one. In this case, I may send this one in for an upgrade/replacement. This one "broke" and is scanning more frequencies than normal. (See my post on another thread.)

I think a "permanent" V1 in my NSX is sounding REAL good... (I used to bring the V1 from my daily to my NSX.)
Installation question

Define permanent? Do you mean a complete hidden installation? Just looking around for myself. Thanks