USED NSX parts Prices


15 July 2009
is it me or are people asking Retail price for a used part on Prime ???

for like 30 dollars more you can get a brand new ( fill in blank ) from the dealership

just scroll thru the for-sale section Im like are you kidding me?

I wanna just post the same parts they are selling for half off.

just to make them think WOW I am Price Gouging other Prime members

come on guys your not using it, it collecting dust in your attic let someone else that loves their car use it and not KILL their wallet

have a heart LOL :rolleyes:

and some of the rims that are for sale are you kidding me??? some of those things look like they fell out of the ugly tree, if you dont like them 99% chance other owners dont like them either.

^^ +1 thanks for looking out for the little people... I agree 100%. Whenever I have used parts from any project, I post them to others for very little, and im some cases... nothing at all.

I understand stuff purchased and never used, but even with some of that stuff people just have to understand you will stand to lose quite a bit on a resale.. might as well price it so people can buy it for less than a few dollars under what it was paid for.
Hey Shawn, do you have one of these laying around?

is it me or are people asking Retail price for a used part on Prime ???

for like 30 dollars more you can get a brand new ( fill in blank ) from the dealership

just scroll thru the for-sale section Im like are you kidding me?

I wanna just post the same parts they are selling for half off.

just to make them think WOW I am Price Gouging other Prime members

come on guys your not using it, it collecting dust in your attic let someone else that loves their car use it and not KILL their wallet

have a heart LOL :rolleyes:

and some of the rims that are for sale are you kidding me??? some of those things look like they fell out of the ugly tree, if you dont like them 99% chance other owners dont like them either.

EAC I saw your post I have one but..... I am getting another NSX and it needs it sorry. wish I could help.

need anything else If I have it will def help you out

Macninja prob does PM him
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EAC I saw your post I have one but..... I am getting another NSX and it needs it sorry. wish I could help.

need anything else If I have it will def help you out

Macninja prob does PM him

How about the bracket that goes around the fuse box in the engine compartment? :redface:
Is is supposed to be your responce to another pricing thread that we just had??? :rolleyes:
EAC show me a pic of what you need I think I have one but its rusty you would need to clean it up. show pic
EAC show me a pic of what you need I think I have one but its rusty you would need to clean it up. show pic

Bottom left hand corner, see the fuse box? See the silver bracket that goes around it? That's what I need. Rusty is fine, I don't care.

Macninja is checking for me too.

I also need the front plastic injector cover.

This is a funny thread. I hope Shawn sells his car at used price and it should be just a little above "give it away" price.

It looks like everyone is trying to make a buck and everybody else is trying to save a buck.
i agree to this also, there are a few things i been looking for and they actually pop up in the used section priced for more then what acura of augusta was selling for brand new.
People can ask whatever they want- it's a free country. But, I agree if you want something to sell, you have to discount. For example, I just sold my tan seat leather. Brand new from Acura is over $5,000. Brand new aftermarket is $1,200+ for full leather. A lucky Prime member got it from me for over a 50% discount from that. I guess I could have listed them for $5,000, but no one would have bought them. That's just how the marketplace works.
Whenever something gets posted for sale at a decent price, others nab it like a duck on a junebug.
The overpriced stuff sticks around a long time.

Not long ago I found a (mumble mumble) and a (mumble mumble); I thought about it a minute too long and it was gone.
(Mumbling because I still need the items and don't want to get everyone looking, too.:biggrin:)
I think some people forget that many parts are still available new. For example, a bunch of folks wanted to buy a black tow hook cover when a used one was posted for sale, for a price similar to what a dealer charges for a new one. The problem there IMHO isn't that someone was asking close to a new price, but rather, that so many people wanted to buy that used one, when a new one was easily available.
I agree 100%

if they would call acura first get a price,

then look for a used one if the used items are around the same price buy new

its a no-brainer
This is a funny thread. I hope Shawn sells his car at used price and it should be just a little above "give it away" price.

It looks like everyone is trying to make a buck and everybody else is trying to save a buck.

HAHA Shawn is cheaper than us lol:biggrin: