Upgraded server today

10 February 2000
This afternoon I resized the server instance that runs the site. The new instance pretty much doubles the resources. I'm hoping that will help with some recent performance issues and a couple instances where Apache basically crashed and I had to manually reset it. The old instance was occasionally running out of RAM and swapping to disk which is bad. Down-time for the migration was only a couple minutes, and I posted a notice for about an hour beforehand. There shouldn't be any other discernible difference other than the site being faster. Let's see how it does. I'll also tweak some configuration settings soon in order to take better advantage of the additional memory.
Thanks for the update! I haven't experienced any issues so far, and the site seems much more stable and responsive.
All working fine "Down under", think we must owe you a beer for all this fine work :wink: :wink:

Cheers Scott