UPDATE: The Fort Hunt Park, VA Meet (New Date: Sunday, 11/16/08 @ Noon)

3 October 2007
**** MEET UPDATES !!! ****

1) The original meet date of Saturday the 15th has been cancelled due to significant rain being forecasted throughout the morning and early afternoon.

2) THE RESCHEDULED DATE & TIME IS: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16th @ NOON !!!! Meet is located at LOT C inside the park. The Skins/Cowboys game is not until 8:00pm so no excuses :)

3) We are planning to have a large grill (I believe its a commercial type) for grilling food. Although not mandatory, it would be appreciated if you do come that you bring a snack item or drinks or something for the grill. If everyone pitches in we should have a decent spread of food.

4) Please be mindful and respectful of the other meet attendees and the other visitors while inside the park. There will be park officers checking on our site and we want to stay on good terms with the National Park Service for future forum events.

5) I am in no way reponsible for any damage to person or property that may occur while traveling to the meet, while at the meet, or when traveling home from the meet.

6) I look forward to a great time on Sunday, see you all there!!!!!

7) Directions:

8900 Fort Hunt Rd
Alexandria, VA 22308
(703) 823-4600

Re: ***UPDATE: The Fort Hunt Park, VA Meet (New Date: Sunday, 11/16/08 @ Noon) ***

Weather forecast for tomorrow's meet: Partly Sunny, 53 & Breezy.

Perfect weather for the turbo's :biggrin: See everyone at the park!