Update - Out of M3, into NSX (unfortunately, Not Yet!)

27 April 2006
Thanks to Supra2NV for pointing out that the '02 NSX I was looking to purchase was a "POS" and had been for sale nearly a year. Unfortunately I already had my plane ticket to Orange County when I read that post...

I spent a couple hours with the car, fully intending to buy it. But upon seeing the car, I developed the same apprehension as Supra2NV: the left side of the front air dam had a huge damaged area, cracked and bent all the way up into the painted section. Probably he smacked something seriously hard. This concerned me because I imagine the front wheel also must have hit whatever curb/rock/pothole/old lady in the road that damaged the air dam. Strike #1.

The car drives straight, accelerates great, sounds awesome, looks cool. Sure, it's an NSX. But here's my second concern: it feels like the power steering shuts off when going into a corner at speed. Is this normal??? I had to yank pretty hard to get the car into a nice twisty right-hander at about 40 mph. There was noticeable effort required, like a late-70s Ferrari 308 or Pantera. This just didn't seem right. My M3 feels completely different, just turn the steering wheel and the car immediately points into any corner at any speed. No effort required. The NSX required some real heft. Maybe that's just the NSX?? Maybe the variable power steering closes completely at speed? I haven't driven enough of them to know. Can you guys give me feedback on this issue? Can someone in the Denver area give me a ride in an NSX with power steering so I can see how it's supposed to feel??? Strike #2.

Despite the owner's claims of "pampering" and "babying" his car, this car is clearly an afterthought to him. The interior is covered in dust and has not been detailed in years. There are drips and spills & stains in various spots. (He began to bring an open cup of coffee with us on my test drive, then thought twice). The passenger seat has a permanent indentation almost like a child seat had been there (but he has no kids). The body is mostly flaw-free, with the exception of the front air dam and a couple small paint chips on the passenger door. But there are various small scratches (which could be buffed out) on the paint, one headlight has a scratch on top, and ALL FOUR WHEELS HAVE CURB RASH! I'm thinking "what in the world kind of driver is this guy anyway?" Then I watch him pull out of the lot at South Coast Acura...full speed, straight down over the curb -- "SCRAAAAAAAPE"! Aha! He does not seem to notice or care. So, he's the kind of owner that does not keep his car detailed, and does not take the care to avoid everyday abuse that happens when our wives drive our cars. Strike #3.

So, his price of $57k for an '02 with 10k miles (by the way it's up to 12k) is not the great deal I thought it was. He went on & on about how great the car is and how it's the best in the country, etc. I wanted to tell him, "Dude, NSX owners are a meticulous bunch, and no one will accept this kind of treatment...we would rather pay $62k for a pristine car that has been "loved" than $57k for a car that has been "used." "Pampered" is not the same as "neglected."

At $55k this car would be acceptable because you could put $2k back into cosmetics (wheels, air dam, etc.). But you still have to live with the idea that your car was neglected the first 3 years of its life.

I'd like your thoughts, especially about the steering issue. Can someone in SoCal go see/drive this car and tell me if the steering is normal?
That is a very good price for an 2002. It might have some problems or it might be fine, just dirty on the outside. I would definitely suggest doing what I did, and having an Acura dealer do a PPI on the car and fax you the report. It can definitely save you some money.
I noticed you were at South Coast Acura.
That is where my PPI was done a month ago. I live in the New Orleans area, so was counting heavily on the PPI to make a final purchase decision.

On the mechanical side, they did a very good job, they found minor items which needed to be corrected, and in compliance with the purchase aggreement, the seller had them done.

On the cosmetic side, though, it was rather cursory, and did not give me the info on things like touched up chips and scratches on drivers door and targa, the cover that hangs above your feet on the drivers side(not sure what it's called) hanging down unsecured, the rubber seals having been torn in 3 or 4 places and super-glued back together, air pump missing, things like that, which had i known, I could have had repaired in accordance with the contract before spending $1,000.00 in travel and lodging.

I would use them again, but be clear with them about those types of items.

I'm wondering if a true PPI should really be done by a mechanic and a body guy to get a true overall read of a vehicle.

Good luck on your search, the NSX is a fantasticlly fun car, and I'm extremely glad to have one.
so I was right huh? ;)

Let's just put it this way. I had the cashiers check on hand, ready to buy. We met at his credit union because he did not want to waste too much time. I did not even bother driving the car, nor sat in it after 1) I saw all the imperfections he neglected to tell me about, 2) the way he parked the car, with the front end pressed up against a concrete block, 3) how he was stacking all of his belongings on the car when he was prepping it for me to take home, and 4), his attitude, and total disrespect for wasting someone's time.

He is the type of person NOT to buy a car from. Just my two cents. Pay up for a better car, and you will be happier in the long run. God knows what condition the clutch is in ($4k service), and anything else he has neglected. If he neglects everything we both mentioned, how is the engine oil? coolant? diff fluid? etc. etc. etc.

Edit: Sorry you had to waste your time to go see what I earlier described as a POS. next time, maybe we can all search VIN's on here and see if there is a review on a car already.
You guys might want to put the VIN in this thread...
supra2nv said:
so I was right huh? ;)

I did not even bother driving the car, nor sat in it after 1) I saw all the imperfections he neglected to tell me about, 2) the way he parked the car, with the front end pressed up against a concrete block, 3) how he was stacking all of his belongings on the car when he was prepping it for me to take home, and 4), his attitude, and total disrespect for wasting someone's time.

He is the type of person NOT to buy a car from. Just my two cents.

I absolutely agree. Interesting, I was also extremely bothered by him laying his organizer book, a cup of coffee, and keys on the hood of this aluminum exotic. I actually picked the stuff up and put it into the car because it was bugging me so much. Some people simply don't care about cars all that much, I guess. They enjoy buying and driving nice cars, but they lack respect for the cars once they own them.
mountainman said:
I absolutely agree. Interesting, I was also extremely bothered by him laying his organizer book, a cup of coffee, and keys on the hood of this aluminum exotic. I actually picked the stuff up and put it into the car because it was bugging me so much. Some people simply don't care about cars all that much, I guess. They enjoy buying and driving nice cars, but they lack respect for the cars once they own them.
imagine what he does when he's alone;)