Unwritten Brotherhood Rule Betrayed!

28 May 2001
Santa Rosa, CA
Hello, everyone. Thought I would share a semi-long story with you today.

I was at the Dallas Viper Club meeting this last Saturday. I took some pictures, and hope to post some soon on my website. It was a great turnout with dozens of Vipers, Prowlers, Thunderbirds, Lightenings.....and one white NSX.

I am a big fan of the NSX, and was this close (!) buying one the day I got my Mercedes. If it wasn't for the need of a four-door and that I've already got some other toys, I would have...but that's another story!!!
Anyhow, I parked at the endcap of this long line of Vipers right next to the NSX. He pulled into the slot right beside me about 5 seconds before I aligned myself next to him.

And now, cover your ears....ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

I spent a couple of hours hanging out, talking to Viper guys, admiring the night, thinking that all was well in the world. I though to myself, "self, you have nothing to fear in this haven of nice cars. Surely, here amongst the true car guys, they understand the unwritten code of being careful, taking pains with their rides to keep them in immaculate shape." It is with deepest regret that this was not the case.

About a mile later after leaving for the evening, I stopped to get some gas and notice a good-sized DING on the right-hand side with white paint emblazened on it. And I have a black car, so you can imagine!

How could this happen? I thought we were all in the same brotherhood; that there was an unwritten code? Restore my faith!!!!

Needing to vent,

1994 300ZX TT
Stage VI+ (auto)
338 rwhp - 380 rwt
I have come to realize there are two types of buyers of expensive cars. Well.. maybe three. The third type (me) who is not rich really appreciates their car, and cars in general because he works hard and does without some other things so he can have what he really desires and appreciates.. but I digress....

Type one is the car owner for whom money is not a concern and neither is the car. Its just a tool to be used up. This type of owner does not wax his car, or change oil, or care about dings and damage to his car, and unfortunatly not to anyone elses either. They just wanted a new cool toy, and when it shows signs of wear, they just get rid of it and get another.

Type two (and in most cases type three) are car fanatics. They love their car.. use them, but take great care of them; keep them looking showroom new and enjoy detailing them themselves. They have great respect for not only their ride, but for the cars of others also. Too bad you parked next to a type 1.

Keep the shiny side up
an(other) unwritten rule goes -- if you MUST park by another vehicle, pick one that is equal to, or better than, yours.

The assumption being that the other car owner will be at least as careful as you are (clearly not always the case); should you do end up swapping paint, you'd come out ahead...
Kinda like parking a Jap sport bike in the middle of a pack of Harleys?
This is exactly why I really, really hope Honda goes with "swing up and forward" style doors for the next NSX. The doors are just too damn big. And the matter is complicated by the windows that curve over the top of the car a whole bunch.

Originally posted by grippgoat:
This is exactly why I really, really hope Honda goes with "swing up and forward" style doors for the next NSX. The doors are just too damn big. And the matter is complicated by the windows that curve over the top of the car a whole bunch.
I'm more worried about the * OTHER * vehicle's doors.
Eggman: It seems the NSX brethren owe you an apology - so here it is. You are correct that anyone with a nice car should be aware of and take care of other nice cars nearby. Sorry about your Benz - I hope the mark is easily removed. As far as the two types of car owners, I think there are two types of people, period - those who care and those who don't. It's not limited to exotic cars!
Originally posted by Eggman:
About a mile later after leaving for the evening, I stopped to get some gas and notice a good-sized DING on the right-hand side with white paint emblazened on it. And I have a black car, so you can imagine!

How could this happen? I thought we were all in the same brotherhood; that there was an unwritten code? Restore my faith!!!!

If it makes you feel any better, there will probably be a corresponding black nick on the trailing edge of his door.