Unusual photo request: titanium key!?

26 January 2004
Hello folks, I have a rather random enquiry! A magazine I work with are looking for a shot (or shots) of a titanium NSX key - sadly my car didn't come with that key (they were Type R, weren't they?), but if any of you folks have one and are local to me I'd be extremely grateful if I could come and photograph it! Alternatively, they might very well accept a picture you take, I would just be the party to hook you up. Please feel free to email me [email protected] if you can help or advise.

sadly my car didn't come with that key (they were Type R, weren't they?)

Glad you are all setup with your photo request. Just to entirely close the loop though, the "titanium" key is actually monel and came standard with all NSX models until 1997 when an immobilizer chip was installed in to the key. Sadly at this point, Honda didn't maintain their high standards for the NSX and just issued standard plastic keys rather than engineering a monel key with the immobilizer chip. Quite often owners will keep the monel key when they sell the car which is why used car owners sometimes don't have them.




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Can't seem to figure out why my links aren't working. I can see pics in some browsers but not others.
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FWIW, I pretty sure it's not actual Titanium. I'd hate too see anyone spend alot of money on a key that is misrepresented. Someone may correct me if I'm wrong.
During the process of fixing my aspirator fan, I happened to find a titanium key stuck at the bottom of my ebrake. I then found another in my trunk liner over a year later... not sure how that one got where it did but I have 3 of them now 0_o.
During the process of fixing my aspirator fan, I happened to find a titanium key stuck at the bottom of my ebrake. I then found another in my trunk liner over a year later... not sure how that one got where it did but I have 3 of them now 0_o.

that's amazing!