Many people have seen the garage
but there is a serious collection of memorabilia backing that up too. Not many folks have seen the den, but I can tell you there are several 1:18 NSX models- including a red 1:18 Type-S model that virtually mirrors our car with the exception of having flat grey wheels as opposed to chrome, and being right hand drive... There are match box sized models- in fact there are models of every size (even some micro machine looking models). We have the infamous Crystal NSX, and the crystal block NSX, the NSX watch, the Pen set, the Zanardi press release documents, and every dealer poster, and damn near every printed reference to the NSX ever made. I also own all the Real Time Racing calanders, and several RTR posters.
We have a shadowbox that contains the "2005 acheivment"- Our car graced a t-shirt, a calander, and the cover of NSXDriver all in a single year. I arranged and mounted all three as a gift for Fathers Day 06'- it is hung in the garage.
We have the complete NSX luggage set, the "bag and holder" option from Japan, and several other trick tid-bits. We have numerous hats, jackets, vests, blankets, duffel bags, polos, t-shirts, and I think a pair of shoes. There is just too much stuff to list. It has all come from all over the NSX community. Vendors, friends, and connections of friends.
It is all good stuff, and it keeps it interesting.