Units of measure and people who ignore moderators

I heard there was a NSX in the Atlanta area with >300,000 miles.

And to the schmuck that thinks Km is "Kanadian miles", it's the stupid American government that prevents us from adopting the much more sensible metric system of meters & liters. Even the UK that created the goofy inch, foot, yard, mile, cup, quart, gallon crap has adopted the metric system. Back in the seventies, our government made a half-hearted attempt to convert, but then in their infinite capability to be idiots, abandoned the effort.

As an engineer, I recognize that I can calculate anything I need to based on any idiotic system that uses screwy ratios for different units, but I also recognize that our numbering system is a base 10 system and the beauty of the metric system is everything is based on base 10. Hey, I've got 10 fingers. I've been taught how to easily count form 1 to 10, to 100, to 1000.

But NO, I've got to work with 12 inches to a foot, 3 feet to a yard, 5280 feet to a mile, 640 acres to a square mile and 3 teaspoons to a table spoon, 2 table spoons to a fluid oz(fluid oz to a weight oz is only 1 to 1 for water), 8 oz to a cup, 2 cups to a quart, 4 quarts to a gallon, & 16 oz to 1 pound and 2000 lbs to a ton. I don't know off the top of my head length units cubed to volume units. What is the ratio of cubic inches to a quart? I'ld have to look than one up, but I bet it is a screwy fractional number. I know 1000 cubic centimeters = 1 litre, & for water 1 cc = 1 gram.

I wouldn't joke about Km being Kanadian miles, because we are the idiots for tolerating the screwy system we have adopted and are too arrogant to change to what makes sense.
nsx4fun said:
And to the schmuck that thinks Km is "Kanadian miles".....
I wouldn't joke about Km being Kanadian miles, because we are the idiots...

The last time I looked West Vancouver, BC (that is from where I posted the 300,000 km story) IS in Canada so perhaps I have more than a passing familiarity with the metric system and it was a joke about my Canadian roots. Maybe you should read the post carefully before you start being offensive. :mad:

I too used SI when I was practicing my undergraduate degree of Mechanical Engineering and could not believe how difficult the Imperial system is to use. But the profession I am in now teaches one to use one's words carefully and thoughtfully ...

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nsx4fun said:
And to the schmuck that thinks Km is "Kanadian miles", it's the stupid American government that prevents us from adopting the much more sensible metric system of meters & liters...

I wouldn't joke about Km being Kanadian miles, because we are the idiots for tolerating the screwy system we have adopted and are too arrogant to change to what makes sense.

But yet somehow with our "screwy" system we are the world's only military superpower.

But NO, I've got to work with 12 inches to a foot, 3 feet to a yard, 5280 feet to a mile, 640 acres to a square mile and 3 teaspoons to a table spoon, 2 table spoons to a fluid oz(fluid oz to a weight oz is only 1 to 1 for water), 8 oz to a cup, 2 cups to a quart, 4 quarts to a gallon, & 16 oz to 1 pound and 2000 lbs to a ton. I don't know off the top of my head length units cubed to volume units. What is the ratio of cubic inches to a quart? I'ld have to look than one up, but I bet it is a screwy fractional number. I know 1000 cubic centimeters = 1 litre, & for water 1 cc = 1 gram.

You're an engineer... that's what computers are for.

I'm a RF Electronic Engineer. Fortunately, electrical stuff already uses the metric system of femto,pico,nano,micro,milli,kilo, mega,giga, tera, etc.

We are a military superpower as a direct result of the high technological electronic gizmos that are designed using the metric system.

It's our stupid politicians that keep our society using the archaic english system of units.

And I know our current mess of a system, so I can get by in the kitchen without a computer when doubling or halving a recipe, or when doing small construction jobs in the backyard.

But because of our stupid politicians, I have twice as many wrenches, sockets, taps & die, etc in my garage than what I would need if we Americans would fully adopt the SI system. And at work, I wouldn't have to worry about the little screws we use (2-56, 4-40, etc) not working in test fixtures I receive from vendors that are located in Europe or Asia.

And just because we are the greatest country in the world, is no excuse for not adopting the SI system that used everywhere else. In fact we would be better off if we did embrace the SI system of units.
Please move discussion of standard vs. metric, the military, politics, etc. to Off Topic.


The Management
Hey Guys, you all forgot about the U.S. Gallon versus the Imperial Gallon. Why did the US have to have their own gallon? Which BTW is smaller.
greyacura said:
Hey Guys, you all forgot about the U.S. Gallon versus the Imperial Gallon. Why did the US have to have their own gallon? Which BTW is smaller.

From http://www.ukmetrication.com/history.htm :

"Henry VII legalised a gallon equal to the volume occupied by 100 troy ounces of wheat; however, there were a couple of non-statutory wine gallons in use. William III introduced a bushel of 2150.42 cubic inches. 1707 saw the imposition of a single statutory wine gallon (the Queen Anne gallon) equal to 231 cubic inches, mainly because having more than one gallon resulted in too many arguments with the excise men! When the Americans achieved independence in 1776 they had to adopt a system of weights and measures and chose to use the William III bushel for dry measures and the Queen Anne gallon for liquid measures. Unlike Britain, they retain those to the current day, along with a 16 fluid ounce pint."
Yes....for example they use the metric system as opposed to caliber for bullets.

So why then do they call the machine guns a "50 cal"?

But yet somehow with our "screwy" system we are the world's only military superpower
I don't think that's a good thing to be proud of.

Given your country's pathetic excuse for a military maybe you should stick to topics for which your country has experiences from which to draw and make commentary. For example socialized medicine, where people either are sent to the US for medical care or are left to die as they wait for it. Or snow and cold weather: maybe you can recount for us the blizzard about 5 years ago where the country was frozen out of electrical services for a looong time, crying for the US to save their frozen asses as we did and would be begged to do in the event that their second-world military might was challenged by another country. The sad reality is, the Canadians choose not to maintain a military capable of fending off Ecuador since they rely on the Monroe Doctrine and the goodwill of the US to save them.

we are the idiots for tolerating the screwy system we have adopted and are too arrogant to change to what makes sense.
Speak for yourself, not everyone in the US is an arrogant idiot. But yet somehow with our "screwy" system we are the world's only military superpower I don't think that's a good thing to be proud of.

We are a military superpower as a direct result of the high technological electronic gizmos that are designed using the metric system.
You obviously have no understanding of the military, but like so many armchair generals have an opinion that they feel the world can't get by without. The US is the best military in the world because we have the finest soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines in the world who commit themselves to defense of the greatest country (still) in the world and make sacrifices (some with their lives) because they believe in this country and what it represents and believe it is worth enduring the low pay and difficult conditions they are forced to endure in spite of the ignorant fools who trash them and their mission in the press, on TV and in the streets with their misspelled and misguided placards. Enough already, shut the hell up and support these noble warriors. They are doing a job which most can't nor won't ever rise to. God Bless the troops and America.

I did not bring this topic back to life so we could discuss the metric system (although this is an interesting topic). I brought this topic back up becuase I want to know whether or not the owner of this high mileage NSX uses synthetic blend oil. The difference in price between conventional oil and synthetic blend is pretty significant.
Hey Brickdds,

I spent 4 years in the USAF and I had a commendation medal after 2 years, & sewed on my SSgt stripes at 3 years. I am damn proud of our soldiers, airman, sailors & marines. But you know what? They didn't make the cruise missle, the F-117, the night vision goggles, etc. We are the super power that we are because we have the best damn scientists & engineeers in the world. The ground pounders do a helluva damn good job, but it is the scientists that developed the atomic bomb, the engineers that design the superior tools of war that really makes us the great military nation that we are. So, NO, I am not just an armchair general. I am a veteran that served admirably in our military, I also built high tech stuff as a civilian technician working on classified military stuff. I would probably be designing the high tech stuff for the military if the company I work for hadn't evolved it's business. Instead, now that I have my MSEE, I am designing Power Amps for Wireless Communications, but the stuff I work on is for civilian use. But it still is fact, we are a super power because the military industrial complex of our great nation provides our soldiers, airman, sailors and marines with the best stuff available in the world. And the hightech world of electronic gizmos that make it all happen uses the metric system.
Fritz you are to be commended on your service in the USAF. And I don't disagree with the fact that we have the most technologically advanced componentry in the world (until the Chinese steal it or buy it from the Israelis or have it handed to them by the Clintons) nor that the metric system is a more logical system than the one we use in most sectors of American life. But in my opinion to suggest that these issues outweigh the importance of the warriors (I don't mean the average G.I.) who put their ass on the line is really a slap in their face. I feel strongly about this given the climate we are in today with our boys being targeted and killed as they attempt to build up Iraq. This country has done so much for so many for so long and asked for nothing in return. And what do we get? I think you know where I am coming from. From the families of the fallen warriors who have given the ultimate sacrifice to the average Joe Taxpayer busting his butt working 60+ hours a week having his wages taken from his family table by a confiscatory tax system which funds the missions to save all of these second-rate/third-world despotic nations this nation has shouldered the burdens of the world only to be spit on. I am sick and tired of listening to the crap these losers spew. Ok, now I feel better.
The two go hand in hand. Our "warriors" would not be anywhere as effective without their tools (could the pilot of an F-117, F-14, etc be as effective flying a Sopwith Camel?), but the tools themselves would be as useless without the heroic efforts of many more than a "few" good men. But we are the super power that we are, because of the military industrial complex, and we have the soldiers that we have because of the freedom we enjoy.

Fighting for Freedom is so much easier after living & experiencing it.

Maybe I'm biased because I'm one of them, but I strongly feel that the Scientists & Engineers of our country are not appreciated for the things they do to make this country a better place to live in. The astronauts that went to the moon get the glory, but it's the efforts of the scientists and the engineers that put them there.
NSX Prime said:
Please move discussion of standard vs. metric, the military, politics, etc. to Off Topic.


The Management
Perhaps this topic can be split in two, so that the off-topic portions can be moved to the country-bashing and politics-bashing forum (a.k.a. the off-topic forum)?
Gee it would be great if the thread starter could move all posts made by someone who highjacks a thread for their own eco-socio-political irrelevant ramblings to a new forum, which we could call 'Selfish & Irrelevant Replies Forum'. <sorry, I just had to get that off of my chest!>


Now gentlemen, back to the topic at hand, please, which was 'new records for high mileage'.
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