Unique Factory 92' Keyless entry/Security problem

26 January 2009
Stone Mountain, GA
I seem to have a unique problem and need help fishing out the ghosts I have recently acquired. I have an unmolested 92' with the OEM keyless entry/security system that has worked flawlessly the last few years I have owned the car.

The past couple days after successfully locking/arming the car, I will return to find that the doors have unlocked themselves, but the security system is still active. When I try to disarm with the remote, it locks the car and disarms the system, but when I press it again, it returns to unlocked and armed. I haven't figure out the exact sequence to get in without sounding the alarm, but it takes a combination of fiddling with the remote and the key to sync both systems so I can enter the vehicle. It has happened in 3 different locations now, so i have ruled out someone tampering with the car. I have also been to far from the vehicle to accidently pressed the transmitter.

Has anyone had any experience with a similar issue or enough knowledge to point me where to look? It's scary coming back to find the car unlocked itself.