uni filter question- searched

8 September 2005
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
cant find info on this-
i know i can clean and reuse it- but how many times. there area few deals here and there for new or used ones on the boards. should i have spare for the future ?

do they go bad? if so how long do they last?
I have used the Uni Filter for years on my previous NSX and on my latest one, I take it out and clean it every 3000 miles along with the oil changes, I guess I would have cleaned the filter on my last NSX around 6 or 8 times and although it was getting a little darker in colour from repeated use it still worked fine, so I would say that as long as you clean / dry and oil them regularly they should last a long time. BTW I ordered a spare from Comptech as they are going out of business, probably good to call them and do the same they are still selling off inventory. SOS and Dali I guess carry them also.