Since the car had the new kit fitted, I’ve been meaning to get a front under tray to compliment the R copied bonnet and radiator duct. Same aerodynamic concept as used on the NA2 NSX-R and many other sport cars before and since. As my car has the Route KS ZAZ NSX-R GT front bumper, there are not readily available under trays for it. It was thus that I found myself phoning a metal supplier to locate a 4’ X 8’ sheet of aluminium and reading as much as I could about aerodynamics and how other NSX users had approach the problem.
I made two under trays, one for the front bumper area and one for under the battery area. The front under tray is attached using the OEM 8mm clips system and the M10 bolts. I did not add flaps to the area in front of the front tyres as it has been proven that they can actually cause lift. The under battery area tray is attached with M10 bolts. I also added fins to the sides on the rear tray.
I am happy to report that at motorway speeds the car is sucked to the ground. I plan in the future to add a rear undertray and diffuser.
Partial view of the front under tray
View of one side of the under tray
Battery under tray and fins ( they are straight, is just the angle )
I made two under trays, one for the front bumper area and one for under the battery area. The front under tray is attached using the OEM 8mm clips system and the M10 bolts. I did not add flaps to the area in front of the front tyres as it has been proven that they can actually cause lift. The under battery area tray is attached with M10 bolts. I also added fins to the sides on the rear tray.
I am happy to report that at motorway speeds the car is sucked to the ground. I plan in the future to add a rear undertray and diffuser.
Partial view of the front under tray
View of one side of the under tray
Battery under tray and fins ( they are straight, is just the angle )