Ummm, I'm just don't know what to say.

Well, gee, let's see... How about if you promise to not repost this thing for about the four millionth time...

That would be a great thing to say.:biggrin::wink:
Well, gee, let's see... How about if you promise to not repost this thing for about the four millionth time...

That would be a great thing to say.:biggrin::wink:

What a standup Prime member. Thanks for spending the hours scouring Prime and the internet for reposts. I guess that is what you do when you are retired and cook with WD-40. You truly are a value to this community.
Well it is posted about once a month, and there are a bunch of different threads about this one and we're all sick and tired of new posts about the same thing...
Well it is posted about once a month, and there are a bunch of different threads about this one and we're all sick and tired of new posts about the same thing...

Reality is this forum and car are so old that you are going to get reposts. Plain and simple. I don't spend every minute of every day surfing this very slow site. I realize others do and more power to them. That makes them happy but doesn't give them the right to go after individuals that post less often just because they didn't see a post a month ago.

I don't make a habit of reposting anything but a little tact from others goes a long way. Reading a response that is insulting but supposed to be comical by adding smiley faces is horse shit. Just deal with it and be happy you drive a NSX.
it has been on sale for almost a year now and the guy keeps relisting it,
we have e-mailed him and asked how much for the car if it took all the crap off and put back to OEM and he doesnt reply to us.

we know you were tring to post somthing funny. we get that but then you bash Prime for being a slow site.

"Reality is this forum and car are so old "

I know i am gonna get in trouble for this one but it needs to be said.

heres my comment,
" E.. S... and go back to the Honda CIVIC forums "

hows that.

Sorry moderator, so sorry

but this is the kinda person that should be removed from our beloved site
Last edited:
I like how you take my words out of context. Do you work for the media or are you a politician by any chance?

Not sure where the Honda Civic forums comment comes from given that I've owned a NSX and own something a little different now. BUT I think you read that in my signature and mis-understood that as well, hence the Honda Civic comment.

I'll let the moderators decide if I should be removed. Won't impact the quality of my life! Heaven forbid anybody else "repost".

it has been on sale for almost a year now and the guy keeps relisting it,
we have e-mailed him and asked how much for the car if it took all the crap off and put back to OEM and he doesnt reply to us.

we know you were tring to post somthing funny. we get that but then you bash Prime for being a slow site.

"Reality is this forum and car are so old "

I know i am gonna get in trouble for this one but it needs to be said.

heres my comment,
" E.. S... and go back to the Honda CIVIC forums "

hows that.

Sorry moderator, so sorry

but this is the kinda person that should be removed from our beloved site
By the way no need to edit your thread. I got the exact verbiage in an email notification.

it has been on sale for almost a year now and the guy keeps relisting it,
we have e-mailed him and asked how much for the car if it took all the crap off and put back to OEM and he doesnt reply to us.

we know you were tring to post somthing funny. we get that but then you bash Prime for being a slow site.

"Reality is this forum and car are so old "

I know i am gonna get in trouble for this one but it needs to be said.

heres my comment,
" E.. S... and go back to the Honda CIVIC forums "

hows that.

Sorry moderator, so sorry

but this is the kinda person that should be removed from our beloved site
how am I taking your comments outta context?

"Reality is this forum and car are so old that you are going to get reposts. Plain and simple. I don't spend every minute of every day
surfing this very slow site"

this site is old news, the car NSX is old and discontinued,

this site is as slow as a panda bear.( bandwidth )

how am I the bad guy now?

But this site is just a forum and you can say what you like but I dont see how other prime members are sitting back letting you RIP Prime.

Prime is the best Resource on the Net for Our NSX. Prime has helped us all in some form or another including yourself ( when you had an NSX )
Ok guys stop the bickering, takes 2 to tangle. I'm officially killing this thread.
Ah yes but it only takes one to .....dangle:tongue:
What a standup Prime member. Thanks for spending the hours scouring Prime and the internet for reposts. I guess that is what you do when you are retired and cook with WD-40. You truly are a value to this community.

You realize everyone isn't on your ass for the repost, it's for this response. More specifically, the second half of it.

I guess that is what you do when you are retired and cook with WD-40. You truly are a value to this community.

Completely inappropriate and out of context, yet you think people are going to respect you when your response to them is this?
You realize everyone isn't on your ass for the repost, it's for this response. More specifically, the second half of it.

Completely inappropriate and out of context, yet you think people are going to respect you when your response to them is this?

I agree with you. Over reaction on my part.

Also, the title of the thread reads:

"Ummm, I am just do not know what to say"

I don't care about the reposts but things like the title grind my gears.

Tried to fix the title but no luck but I hear what you are saying. I'm an EE so I'll use that excuse!!!!
Personally, I find it very rude and discourteous to respond negatively to another member's Thread regardless if the issue has been discussed over and over and/or a member failed to "do a search."

There are many times when I pick up on a Thread that I later learned had been posted before but Ipreviously never saw it. Whatis so bad about someone else wanting to discuss it again? It is nothing more than reading a book twice or seeing a movie more than once. It is a personal decision! Heck, I have seen 'Blackhawk Down' no less than 20 times. Each time I watch it I pick up something I missed. Should I be ashamed of myself for failing to pick up on it the first 19 times I watched it? No!

We are all in this for the same reason....entertainment and to learn about our NSXs. Lets don't bash each other simply because "can't you do a search," or, "this has been discussed over and over," etc. It just isn't nice! Save your negative energy for another day and place.

Well, I am off to watch 'Blackhawk Down' again. I just can't get over how well Tom Sizemore performed in this movie andthen got so screwed up on drugs. I don't get that either!


Also, the title of the thread reads:

"Ummm, I am just do not know what to say"

I don't care about the reposts but things like the title grind my gears.
My response below.

how am I taking your comments outta context?

"Reality is this forum and car are so old that you are going to get reposts. Plain and simple. I don't spend every minute of every day
surfing this very slow site"

this site is old news, the car NSX is old and discontinued, To clarify as in just use the search button because just about everything is known about this car and has been posted on this forum at some point or another. I'm not sure how old Prime is but it has been around quite some time, which is a testament to this site. Don't expect fresh topics to surface every day.

this site is as slow as a panda bear.( bandwidth ) No not bandwidth. Reference above.

how am I the bad guy now? I don't know you. I just asked if you were in the media or a politician. If you are a "bad guy" I'm glad you live in Florida!
Well said Rob4092xx.

Probably time for this thread to be locked.
Yeah Ive seen this topic pop up a lot for maybe the past 4 months. Im surprised the skull NSX paint job didnt pop up again they always seem to resurface together. Well anyway like I said in a couple other posts I dont really see anybody that would want to buy something like this for the price he probably wants to see. I also really doubt he would ever strip down the car and get it back to stock cause now he is left with this bodykit nobody wants. I dont understand why this person picked the NSX to do this. I could understand maybe picking a lower level car ummm maybe like an MR2, del sol, fiero stuff like that.