UG!!!! Tail lights won't go out! Help

13 June 2005
West Coast Florida
My tail lights are stuck on. No other issues. How could this happen?
Killed my battery last night.

Check your brake light switch stopper didn't break or fall off. This would make your brake light switch always be unpushed, therefore, leaving your brake lights on. Its on the brake pedal arm.
^ This happens a lot. I believe the clutch has one too. Honda sells them for about $2. The new ones are plastic and don't rot like the OEM rubber ones do. Easy fix.
or find the right size bolt slide it into the hole and put a peice of electrical tape around it. cost you nothing and it will never break

did this on my old honda accord when i was a teen
look for pieces of blue plastic like material on the floor under the pedal area. Piece the bits together to get an idea of dimensions. Use this to base what you can put together to replace it with. I used a plastic clip insert that happened to fit the hole.

switch on Pedal side is adjustable which helps create space for getting the new bit in as well as adjusting for different thickness if using non-OEM replacement stopper.

few posts on this forum with great pictures. search for "brake stopper lights on".