UFO's over mexico

I would assume there is intelligent life somewhere in the universe. Heck, out of the 100's of millions suns alone in our milky way galaxy, surely there are planets that have the right conditions for life.

Just how intelligent the life out there is the question. As far as the lights in Mexico, who know for sure? They could have been hittin the sauce a little hard that night:) .

Anyone know if the video is available for download?
I agree that the probability of the existence of other intelligent life in our universe is very high, but the probability if another life form being close enough to travel to Earth is questionable.

And what is up with these aliens anal probing rednecks all the time?
nkb said:
I agree that the probability of the existence of other intelligent life in our universe is very high, but the probability if another life form being close enough to travel to Earth is questionable.

And what is up with these aliens anal probing rednecks all the time?

i somewhat agree...there are tons of theories and documentaries, videos, etc shown on the news all the time. as soon as new evidence arrives, the old theory gets thrown out the door.

there are just too many close encounters...but never any actual encounters that is backed by hard evidence....alien abductions do not count.
Saw it on the Japanese news too, you would think something so significant would have a lot more questions raised, or have the askers been talked too? MiB?:confused:
ajnsx said:
Saw it on the Japanese news too, you would think something so significant would have a lot more questions raised, or have the askers been talked too? MiB?:confused:

I think because most people just want to dismiss it as a "natural" occurence. Seems awfully silly to me.
UFO doesn't mean it's necessary extraterrestrial, just that it's an Unidentified Flying Object.

From experience, when they mention meterological phenomena, gazes, etc... for causes, it's usually human-made top secret military projects (remember the F117, B2 and other occurances in the late 80s early 90s?). To me what's on those videos it's the next Bx or F11x stealth bombers :cool: The real question is what where they doing out flying at 5pm in the afternoon over Mexico ?