Type R song....LOL

"But if it ain't a Type R, it ain't a tight car . . .

And if it ain't a tight car than it ain't a Type R . . .

I love my Honda like I love my Ganja, I smoke a V8 like I smoke marijuana. . ."

With writing like that, you an only expect bigger and better things from these guys. Intersting song structure, though, with one verse, and two alternating choruses.

Too bad he didn't give props to the NSX, or should I say the N to the izzay, S to the izzeX.

i don't need to hear the song. i lived it.

anyone notice he gave props to honda-tech.com?
Whenever I show this to my friends, they laugh hysterically! The beat is phat, haha.:D

"all the pimps with hid's!...follow me!"

Dude that is the sickest song EVER!!! :D :p :D