Two things...

29 May 2012
It would be nice to have an option to view just the topics I've posted in without having to do a search on my screenname. Something like a "Your Posts" button that some of the other forums have. I know that not all forums have this capability, and the software used for this site may not allow it, but I thought I'd ask about that.

The other thing is that I have noticed that there is no "Events" section. I do, of course, realize that there are sections for local things, and there is the NSXPo event section, but what does a person do if they want to share something about a larger gathering that is more of a nation-wide event other than the XPo?

Just a couple things I was interested in knowing about.

Thanks in advance!
It would be nice to have an option to view just the topics I've posted in without having to do a search on my screenname. Something like a "Your Posts" button that some of the other forums have. I know that not all forums have this capability, and the software used for this site may not allow it, but I thought I'd ask about that.

I'm not sure I understand how that differs from just searching for your posts by screen name..? in other words

Alternatively you could subscribe to threads and then view your subscription page.

The other thing is that I have noticed that there is no "Events" section. I do, of course, realize that there are sections for local things, and there is the NSXPo event section, but what does a person do if they want to share something about a larger gathering that is more of a nation-wide event other than the XPo?

There are other nation-wide NSX events?

Anything that isn't an NSX-specific event should go in Off Topic.

You can also use the calendar.
I'm not sure I understand how that differs from just searching for your posts by screen name..? in other words

Alternatively you could subscribe to threads and then view your subscription page.

There are a few ways that it differs, but mainly ease of use. Some of us use this site on our phones quite a bit, and the less moves you have to make to get where you need to go, the better.

There are other nation-wide NSX events?

Anything that isn't an NSX-specific event should go in Off Topic.

You can also use the calendar.

What says it has to be nation wide? Obviously there are regional sections on this site, but what if you want to reach people from all across America? Do you have to be the annoying one to post in each section and then try to keep up with all of the threads you just created? I'm just saying that if a person wanted to create an event that would be nation wide, or to reach a nation wide audience, where are they supposed to post that info?