Looking to purchase a two post chassis type lift. Looking for quality with out spending more than the national budget. Bend Pack? Superlifts? Rotary Lift? What brand do you have? Are you happy with it?
I've done a search for lifts but pretty much found nothing except drive-on lifts.
Help me pick a lift that will give me the most bang for the buck. Looking for not more than 10,000 pounds. I have a 13 foot garage. I do a lot of automotive work including work for friends, so I'll be using the lift often. I need durability.
Help me pick a brand please. Any input is welcome. Thank you.
I've done a search for lifts but pretty much found nothing except drive-on lifts.
Help me pick a lift that will give me the most bang for the buck. Looking for not more than 10,000 pounds. I have a 13 foot garage. I do a lot of automotive work including work for friends, so I'll be using the lift often. I need durability.
Help me pick a brand please. Any input is welcome. Thank you.