Two NSX's - which one would you choose and why?

6 January 2006
Toronto Canada
Speaking only from a current/future value standpoint, assuming both cars were maintained equally to that point - and both cars are not in the snap ring range

car 1 - 1991 red on black with 200,000 miles - manual - for $25K

car 2 - 1992 black on black with 120,000 miles - manual - for $31K

Please discuss - Thanks
Both seem about equal for the price difference. Maintenance and ownership history would matter to me as a buyer. If you want to flip either one, I'd say the return would be pretty similar based on the very, very limited information provided.
Not looking to flip or put under a cover

will be putting about 5-10,000 kms per year on it - when I say future value, I mean that if I ever want to sell in 2,3,5 or 10++ years for whatever reason

I haven't been on prime for years - so haven't been following what high/very high mileage NSX's are worth
I would lean towards the lower mileage as long as you are indifferent to color, but to be honest the lower mileage car may have a lot more problems than the higher one depending on how it was maintained so you would really want to critically look at both and simply pick the better of the two. I'd say it would be tough to find many at much lower of a price point that that. $30k seems to be shaping up as the entry point for a NSX as values move upward. Or at least that is what I tell people when they ask and look baffled and say "but I heard you could pick one of these up for like $15k...."
Assume both are in similar condition, spending $6k for 80,000 less miles seams like a no brainer. A 25 year old car with 200k miles will require work, no way around that.
the nsx is no different from any other nice car that is no longer in production.....given similar condition the lower mileage example will always command a higher price unless ....caveats unless the higher mile car is a more rare option group/color combo, that would make it more desirable to you.
The 1992 model because it's black exterior and lower mileage is a plus. Only a few more grand. I think the question you need to ask yourself is which color do I want? Each car is going to require extensive amounts of tlc.
I would take the lower mileage one. The red one has almost double the miles, you might not even hit 200k miles on the black one in your life time. I have my Nsx for 10 years and I only put on 16k miles on it. It would take me almost 50 years of driving for the 120k mile car to make the starting point of the red one.
All things being equal, I would make sure it's the color you really want, but I would try to get the 120k car at a lower price if possible, but still decent price considering what's going on lately.

If you don't plan on selling, mileage is a badge of honor... If you plan on selling soon, go for the lower miles.

Black is my preferred color, but may not be yours.
Commentary from a guy who went from a 340K mileage Sebring Silver in excellent mechanical condition...and who went to an NA2 with 67K...I wish I had never sold the silver one. Maintenance and how a car has been driven are key. I sold my silver one because I didn't want to deal with the paint work it was going to need. The NA2, while nice and a different car altogether, is going to cost me a small fortune getting her right - and the previous owner did a ton of nice maintenance work.

I would drive both and the one that you feel better driving...get that one. You will know.

And if they feel the same, always opt for the one with considerably less miles. When I sold mine, i knew what I had but prospective buyers could not wrap their mind around mileage.
I would drive both and the one that you feel better driving...get that one. You will know.

+1. Everything else being equal, besides miles, I'd go with the lower miles car. But you never know, the red one may have been better maintained.

My .02.
forgot to update - ended up getting the 92 black

although I haven't driven an NSX for 7+ years - it was so familiar the minute I shifted to 1st gear

what a great piece of engineering!!!!!