Two Fountain Valley guys and two NSXs visit Malibu- again!

28 September 2008
After doing a ride along with Les 'LMR' at Steve's 'SFDreamer' "It's time! You don't wanna miss this caravan - Super Car Sunday, Aug. 29th" awesome road trip, Les and I decided we wanted more. So, today we ventured to the Santa Monica Mountains to challenge those inviting twisties once again. This time, I would be in my own NSX which had a new clutch master cylinder and slave cylinder installed by Autowave.

Not too many pics here. Just wanted to post a quick thread to let the SoCal NSX'ers know what two guys in Fountain Valley were up to with their Hondas. :biggrin: As compared to last Sunday which was Porsche day, today's Super Car Sunday theme was "Ferrari vs. Lamborghini." So not surprisingly, we saw more than one Italian supercar zooming along here and there.

One car sighting in particular was a Gallardo pumping it along our route during our one mountain top turnoff. I couldn't believe it! It sounded like a Ford GT at full throttle. The other notable sighting occurred just as we were leaving Coogies Beach Cafe. A F-car and Lambo caravan pulled into the lot. The red Countach created the greatest eye candy factor.

So, to all you locals with NSX garage queens I say, "Up with your garage doors and onto the throttle with your right foot!"









nice to see two of my 80's dream cars...jalpa and espada....
nice to see two of my 80's dream cars...jalpa and espada....

Similar to you, docjohn, my ultimate dream car is a Lambo Miura. Last Sunday at SCS, I finally got to see one in person. It was spectacular! The folks Les and I met at the Coogies parking lot was a nice group. One guy said there were 3 Miuras at the F-car vs. Lambo SCS which they had just come from. You should have seen the lady who drove the Gallardo. She wore a matching outfit to her paint job and looked a little like Aunt Bee. It's a hoot to see a woman, especially a matronly looking one, step out of a Gallardo with a big smile on her face. Good stuff!
Nice pics. Looks like a cool run. Hopefully you didn't hit traffic like I did. Me and the gf went Sat to Huntington and it was ugly out so drove up to Malibu and traffic the entire way from the 10 and pch all the way to the canyon :( Looks like you had a great time though.
Nice pics. Looks like a cool run. Hopefully you didn't hit traffic like I did. Me and the gf went Sat to Huntington and it was ugly out so drove up to Malibu and traffic the entire way from the 10 and pch all the way to the canyon :( Looks like you had a great time though.

We had a great time:biggrin:. We did not hit any traffic. We started out at 6:30 in the morning but it was woth getting up early.

Hopefullly we can get some other locals to do this run again in the near future. I am always looking to do runs like this. Let me know.