Twin Ring Motegi

When I was at the facilities several years ago I was able to do laps around the oval circuit in a go-kart (rental). Actually things got a bit out of hand with the group of us on the track and they sent the track services truck after us.... uh oh! heh heh...

On our way to the infield and just adjacent to the kart rental area was a official Twin-Ring NSX pace car parked with the engine running! I was SO tempted to hop in and take a ride around the track.

They also have a inclement weather/emergency avoidance driving school where I was told (by someone who attended a session) that you can either take your own car or borrow a Civic and receive training.

There were some privateer Porches and Ferraris on the track as well as a CART team in practice sessions.

There were some sport bike races going on at one of the small secondary circuits.

The Collection museum and Fan Fun Center were quite exciting as well. I took hundreds of photos (sorry, not digital) while I was there. The gift shop is stocked with lots of hard to find memorabilia and souvenirs.