turn signals won't cancel...

26 July 2005
Fort Myers, Florida
I've already pulled the cancel module out and cleaned the contacts twice.

Everything works fine when I first start the car and after a couple minutes of driving...they stop cancelling. Before I spend the money on a new module...I figured it was worth a post. Anyone have any suggestions?
I had the same problem on my '92. Although sometimes the problem is cleared up by cleaning the contacts ( according to the experiences of a number of Prime members), it didn't work for me. I ultimately had to replace the unit--and it was a fairly costly piece , if I remember correctly
I had the same problem on my '92. Although sometimes the problem is cleared up by cleaning the contacts ( according to the experiences of a number of Prime members), it didn't work for me. I ultimately had to replace the unit--and it was a fairly costly piece , if I remember correctly

Best price I've found is $221.00 - that's why I thought I'd see if anyone found a solution.
Maybe check with Brian K or Larry Bastanza as they have extensive electrical trouble shooting experience. Just a thought.

I had the exact same issue of them not cancelling. I did nothing and now the left turn cancels. I didn't use the right one today. I'd blame NASCAR but the figure 8 route I drove all afternoon did not require me to use a right turn signal. My NSX interior looks like hell as I can't be bothered to clean it so there are dust bunnies everywhere and 1/16 inch of dust. So it can't be lack of dust.

I know things don't fix themselves but it's true.

Some cars have a funny setting for the turn signal cancel and if you don't make a large enough turn the signal will still stay on even after you straighten out. I had this problem with my 90 Supra and because the signal was so quiet I never knew it was still on after making a small turn and I'd be the old guy driving with his turn indicator on for 100s of yards.

In short, don't spend too much fixing it.
Mine work now. I didn't do anything or even clean the interior. It only took about 5 years and 2500 km to fix itself.

The aspirator fan has unfixed itself and is rattling again.
Ya, same here. Took mine apart twice to clean the contacts, second time to do a more thorough inspection. It still doesn't cancel.

I even went as far as checking the solder joints on the circuit board inside the black box and touching up the ones that didn't look good.

Also checked for continuity from the wires and the contacts to verify that the 2 were working correctly when depressed. Everything was fine as far as i could tell.

Reinstalled it and still nothing :(