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TUBI Exhaust

7 November 2004
Elizabethtown, PA
Looking for a new Tubi Exhaust for my 91 NSX. If there is an american website or vendor that sells them PLEASE help me with any information!! Thank you!!
Check the vendor forum, I bet you can still get in on the GB as we have no recieved ours yet (I am assuming they are in transit from Italy)
Too bad all my spending money is going to maintenance parts right now.... Will I have to wait for another group buy in order to get a Tubi exhaust?
Check with Matt (distributor listed in the other thread) to get the scoop. Tubi only makes specialty runs for the NSX, and I *think* this is the third one. You have a few options if you want one, but not 'til later:

- You might be able to get a GB#3 unit for a while longer, but I think the 'regular price' is a few hundred more than the GB price.

- Look for a used one (GB #1,2,3). They pop up from time to time, but are a hot ticket (pun intended).

- Wait around for a 4th production run, which may or may not ever happen. If it does, pricing will likely be at least as much as they are now.