trunk latch

16 February 2004
My trunk will not latch !!
It seems the mechanism won't hold the latch down and for the price of one of these,I don't want to have to buy another one.
This is the second one in a short time.Anyone know what the problem may be?


I push the switch inside the car and it sounds like it is working fine.

Thanks in advance.

I added a pull-release for my trunk as a safegard since I removed the lock cylinder, and noticed that if there was too much tension on the cable, the trunk would fail to latch. It's quite frustrating until you figure out what's going on. It occasionally happens to me when I mess with the trunk carpet panels. Do you have some aftermarket wiring that could be touching parts of the latch mechanism?

How are you closing it?

You need to push it down from UNDER the wing, firmly. I know this may seem obvious, but many try closing it pressing the top of the wing, and that makes it way difficult to latch the trunk.

Chris@SoS said:
The latch's catch can get stuck if it is not lubricated or under tension. Push down on this with a screw driver which will often "reset" the catch. Check for cable bind and lube.

-- C
Thanks Chris

Exactly what it was.The cable for some reason had been snapped in one notch too many,thus putting tension on the realease.
