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Trucking our cars to NSXPO Orlando!

27 May 2006
West San Gabriel Valley Area, CA

I would like to to go to NSXPO this year, but I don't have enough vacation time to drive there and back on top of the days of NSXPO itself. I also don't want to put that many miles on my car. So, I contacted a couple of auto transport companies to get an idea of costs. I knew that the cost would be high, but not as high as the quotes I received. Basically the costs are around $1,300 one way for an enclosed transport truck. The cost was about $175 less for an open transport truck. I did not ask them if they would offer a price break on a round trip or if more cars signed up for the trip.

Anyway, I wanted to see what the costs would be.

Best to all,

you can work out deals with the vendors at uship.comIf you get a group of guys together leaving from the same location so the truck doesn't have to make multiple stops, you can negotiate a killer deal. covered transport vs. non-covered transport is a different story.
Thanks Regan!

OK guys and girls, If any of you are interested in shipping your car to Orlando and then flying there to participated in NSXPO, let me know. If a can get a few takers, I'll contact the shipper that Regan recommends to see what costs are involved.


One the main concerns when shipping is timing of pickup and drop off... some firms don't guarantee exact date/time
Might be worth reaching out to http://jplogistics.net/ (they handle high-end cars and ship nationally)
Key point, they are the carrier, not a broker (avoid brokers)