Trouble with account (sent to me via email)

14 October 2002
Ottawa, Ontario
Hey Lud,

This was sent to me today. I'm posting it here in case others have had similar issues.

Hi there,

I am having trouble with my Prime account, I can log in but cannot view PMs or reply to any thread. My username is NSX-ST and this only started happening recently. Since I cannot PM anyone I found your email and saw you are a mod on the forums. Please let me know if you can fix this for me.

Thanks, Gordon
He changed his registered e-mail address at the end of July. The new e-mail account bounced the message with the link to re-activate the account with the new address. Once someone's address bounces, the system will not try to deliver any more e-mail to it. I just manually removed his address from the "do not attempt delivery" list and had the system send another activation e-mail, which was delivered successfully.