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As in you tried operating the shift and select levers right on the transmission housing?   If so and its still no-go into reverse, I think you have exhausted the external options and you are now into the deep dive into the guts.   Its also pretty much exhausted my knowledge of the transmission since I have never had an NSX tranny apart.

Two suggestions.   First, drain the oil.  Not because an oil change is going to fix the problem; but, if metal bits or filings come out in the oil it probably pretty much confirms that the transmission has to come out for an inspection of the internals and that you probably should not even be driving it in the forward direction if you want to avoid messing other stuff up.   Second, have a discussion with whoever did the professional rebuild about possible causes.   There are some clearance settings in the  reverse shift fork / shift piece / shift arm mechanism and its possible that there is incorrect set up.   However, its a bit hard to figure out how an incorrect adjustment could go from working fine to not working at all.

Good luck with it.
