Trouble finding the transmission number for snap ring check

20 September 2009

I am having some trouble finding the transmission number for a snap ring range check. I tried to locate it using the instructions on Prime, but still don't know if I am looking in the right place...Any suggestions or feedback would be great!
If you can locate where the trans meets up with the back of the engine(drivers side of the engine bay). Look straight down and there will be a slight raised area about 1/2" side by a couple inches long that has the trans number. If I recall correctly the number is just a sticker so it is possible that it was removed or came off over time(ie. someone peeled it off or used a solvent to clean the engine/trans and it removed the sticker).
Thanks! I found a white sticker on the drivers side engine bay on a hose with the number J432107-SLO-J404....might this be it?? Thanks!
Found it! Had to get in there with a flashlight in order to see it, but it is indeed in the snap ring range so I will be performing the preventative maintenence when I have my new clutch installed...thanks again for the help:smile: