Tribute to a man's best friend.........

28 March 2002
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Bob,wow I know how much he meant to you......Godspeed to nico...we share in your sadness and loss.....
OMG!! Bob, I am sooooo sorry to hear about Nico. Even though 17 years is a long time, it cannot stop the aches and pains that come with losing your best friend. i know what you are going through right now and if I can do anything to help ease the sorrow you feel ...... maybe by talking, please feel free to pm. I know it doesn't seem fair that they are only with us for such a short time, but that time is so precious. Always remember that Nico loved you as much as you loved Nico. God rest his soul.

and BTW: don't worry about that macho sh#t, you are allowed to cry and as much as necessary pal.

Take Care
Rich B.
What a great tribute to an awesome pup. My computer screen got a blurry. It makes us all want to spend as much time possible with both our human and furry friends. :smile:

RIP Nico.
I'm sure Nico had a great life judging from the photos.
DocL is right!
Wow! That dog lived 17 years. Atleast the dog lived and long happy life. Sorry for your loss. Its always really hard losing one of your bestfriends.
One word sums up the video and the dog AMAZING.
As you know I lost Moses as well I would be happy to hire you anytime
to create such a beautiful memorial.
Bob, I'm very sorry for your loss and touched by the tribute you shared.
As I type this I'm staring out at the two springer spaniel puppies Donna and I just got. I hope when their day comes I can share with others the love and respect you have shared with us, THANK YOU
Bob, sorry for your loss. Very nice tribute for Nico.
Great Tribute Bob. Sorry for your loss.

We lost our 1st child Enzo(A Vizsla) 3 weeks ago and house feels very empty without him around.

sorry for your loss.
I really know what you must be going thru. My friend Kyzyl has been battling bladder cancer for the past 1.5 years and she's been doing so good up until a week or so ago. She's just not eating anymore. :frown: We'll know more soon after an ultrasound but it may be that she's just winning the battle any more. She is 16 and here's a pic when she was younger. I'm going to be a wreck and I doubt if I'll be able to put anything so thoughtful and nice as you did, Bob.



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losing animal companions is a pain unlike any other i've felt.

i'm very sorry for your loss of nico, bob.
I'm so very sorry to hear of Nico's passing. I remember you speaking so lovingly of her at NSX Fiesta. I know you gave her your all (years of special care) and she did likewise. In time you'll happily watch that wonderful video with a smile.

Edit: So happy to learn she went to sleep with her favorite toy -- one last time.
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the memories are priceless...

Such a cutie!
what a great tribute to an awesome pup. My computer screen got a blurry. It makes us all want to spend as much time possible with both our human and furry friends. :smile:

Rip nico.
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Thank you to all for the condolences and kind words. Being a city kid growing up with 6 people in a one bedroom, one bath 400 sq ft apartment and then moving into another apartment in Manhattan, I never had a dog before. Then one day after moving to the suburbs we came across a little 2 pound monster mall dog (yup, an impulse "buy") who had been taken home and "rejected" by a family for being "too difficult to handle".

Well that "fight" in her never went away and she became a little medical miracle along the way all the way to the end and she continued to do things her way - - - passing in her sleep after a typical morning with me so I had never to make that decision for her.

Here is a little background on her as spotlighted on the Animal Medical Center's website. What these stories don't tell is that she also was a "Cushings dog" who was given 18 months at most to live after diagnosis and that was for a dog with no other health issues (but she was already an insulin dependent diabetic with a pacemaker at the time). After administering Trilostane on a daily basis at a time when it was considered experimental, her Cushings Disease just "went away" after 2 years. She lived almost 40 months after her diagnosis. Trilostane is now FDA approved and 6 other local dogs are using it.

Quite a life she had and an even better one she gave to me.......
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
sorry for your loss, I miss all my dogs that have passed.
we all feel your pain. everytime one passes, I swear I will never get another one and Bang some how I get another puppy.
but remember all the crazy stuff he would do. and he kinda will live with your forever.

rest in peace little guy.

I wanna give a shout out to my old pups

I had to give up 2 of my dogs to an EX they are in Boston where they are fully loved and cared for Kayla and Simon

my 2 pups now are Yoda and Boomer

I know the time will come for them but I try and make them have a fun life. I am tearing up typing this... bye
Very sorry to hear of your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a loved pet that always unconditionally loves you.
Bob, sorry to hear about Nico. You have my sympathy. :(

I know what it's like, since I'm on the fourth and fifth bearded collies I've shared my life with. I wish I could say something to help the pain and the big hole in your life that is now there, but I can't. Right now you're surrounded with people, things, and situations that all remind you of Nico. It's a crappy feeling, but it gets less so over time. But there still isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about the canine and human family members I've lost.

Unfortunately, the "deal" between man and canine is that when you get a dog, unless you're very old or very unlucky, you're probably going to outlive and lose him/her. From the dog's perspective, it's a great deal; they hopefully live to what is, for them, a long life to an old age of usually 12-18 years, a great life with a lifelong friend and protector. From man's perspective, it's a great deal while they're alive and around, but the downside is that you have to lose them, and in most cases, it's a loss you'll mourn forever, just like losing any other member of your family that you lived with for years. It does enable us to experience more than one canine companion during our lifetime, so there's a silver lining in that regard, but most of us would rather have that special friend live as long as we do. Too bad that's just not the way the world works. But the way it does work, it's a great life for the dogs, so I'm good with that.

Some people will ask you whether you're going to get another, and do so right now when it's the furthest thing from your mind. Don't get upset; they're just trying to make you feel better. As far as that goes, it may take you a while until the feeling is right, or you may not get another at all. Just don't rush it. When I lost Cosmo (whom some of you met at NSXPO 2001 in Wisconsin) a couple of years ago, even though I knew I would eventually get another, I didn't want to do that too soon, because I didn't want to think of the new dog as "Cosmo's replacement". So Layla, Cosmo's daughter, was an "only child" for a while. Four months later, it was a matter of sheer luck that I heard about an available puppy, and Casey's been with us ever since then. Sometimes it just happens that way, almost like divine intervention, like when you met Nico.

Below is a photo of Layla and Casey taken this morning, after we spent a couple hours combing them out.

I was going to close with the Rainbow Bridge, which I've read a hundred times and still can't do so without a tear in my eye. But I see Hugh already did so, above.

Gotta love 'em while you got 'em. For those who have canine companions, give yours an extra hug tonight, in memory of Nico.

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HUGH what about this one.

<DD>Do not stand at my grave and weep,</DD><DD>I am not there; I do not sleep.</DD><DD>I am a thousand winds that blow,</DD><DD>I am the diamond glints on snow,</DD><DD>I am the sun on ripened grain,</DD><DD>I am the gentle autumn rain.</DD><DD>When you awaken in the morning’s hush</DD><DD>I am the swift uplifting rush</DD><DD>Of quiet birds in circling flight.</DD><DD>I am the soft star-shine at night.</DD><DD>Do not stand at my grave and cry,</DD><DD>I am not there; I did not die.</DD>
Mary Frye, wrote the poem in 1932