Trasmission Problems...Again

15 July 2006
Redlands, CA
I am at a loss for words as I seem to attract broken NSX transmissions. I have a 92 that I bought in snap ring range. Drove it for about 10K miles and the snap ring breaks. No big deal as I was knowledgeable of the potential defect at time of purchase.

Purchased a used transmission from a guy in Canada out of snap ring range. At the time the price of that seemed better than a new one but now I am rethinking that position. Anyways, had the new/used transmission put in the car by Ramon and Niguel Motors and it has been fine. Even drove it last weekend pretty hard and no issues. So far the replacement has less than 4K miles on it.

Today took it out of the garage for a short drive. Get about a block away and suddenly hear massive transmission wine. On acceleration the shift stalk wants to pull out of gear. Now, I have experienced a snap ring failure and am very aware of those symptoms. This current issue is simply what I stated, loud wine shift stalk tries to pull out of gear. There is no grinding but it is a "sloppy" feeling I am getting when on and off the gas. Needless to say I turned around and parked the sucker till its towed back to Niguel Motors.

Questions I have are, is this the beginning of a snap ring failure? Can transmissions out of range fail (I seem to remember hearing this)? Finally, are there any other trans issues that these symptoms would correlate with? I seem to have come up with nothing of particular value in my searches but then again I don't claim to be a wizard with the search situation.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Primers,

My 92 was in range when I bought it last year with 114k miles---yea everyone said it would probably be ok if it lasted that long--WRONG. It had a slight wine in 2nd gear but no other symptoms till it let go--1-2-1 hard shift---snap ring was in 8 pieces.
What happens is the intermediate shaft looses position for gear mesh. Removed and rebuilt by source1 in Cinci. This failure can occur anytime but is more common on "in range" trans from the 91 & 92.
What made mine worse was the upgrade to an S&S sport clutch I had installed 2 months before! Could have upgraded the trans at that time had I thought it through better.
Today all is well---but---that sport clutch with the aluminum flywheel spools up and down quicker and without the smoothness of the heavy original steel flywheel. It's not a problem but does require some getting used to.
I am at a loss for words as I seem to attract broken NSX transmissions. I have a 92 that I bought in snap ring range. Drove it for about 10K miles and the snap ring breaks. No big deal as I was knowledgeable of the potential defect at time of purchase.

Purchased a used transmission from a guy in Canada out of snap ring range. At the time the price of that seemed better than a new one but now I am rethinking that position. Anyways, had the new/used transmission put in the car by Ramon and Niguel Motors and it has been fine. Even drove it last weekend pretty hard and no issues. So far the replacement has less than 4K miles on it.

Today took it out of the garage for a short drive. Get about a block away and suddenly hear massive transmission wine. On acceleration the shift stalk wants to pull out of gear. Now, I have experienced a snap ring failure and am very aware of those symptoms. This current issue is simply what I stated, loud wine shift stalk tries to pull out of gear. There is no grinding but it is a "sloppy" feeling I am getting when on and off the gas. Needless to say I turned around and parked the sucker till its towed back to Niguel Motors.

Questions I have are, is this the beginning of a snap ring failure? Can transmissions out of range fail (I seem to remember hearing this)? Finally, are there any other trans issues that these symptoms would correlate with? I seem to have come up with nothing of particular value in my searches but then again I don't claim to be a wizard with the search situation.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Primers,

Did you confirm this replacement was not a snap ring trans. or just take the sellers word?
My 92 was in range when I bought it last year with 114k miles---yea everyone said it would probably be ok if it lasted that long--WRONG. It had a slight wine in 2nd gear but no other symptoms till it let go--1-2-1 hard shift---snap ring was in 8 pieces.
What happens is the intermediate shaft looses position for gear mesh. Removed and rebuilt by source1 in Cinci. This failure can occur anytime but is more common on "in range" trans from the 91 & 92.
What made mine worse was the upgrade to an S&S sport clutch I had installed 2 months before! Could have upgraded the trans at that time had I thought it through better.
Today all is well---but---that sport clutch with the aluminum flywheel spools up and down quicker and without the smoothness of the heavy original steel flywheel. It's not a problem but does require some getting used to.

Yeah I already had the snap ring failure with the original 92 transmission. The problem I have is I bought a used 94 trasmission that has now failed for whatever reason. Not sure it's a snap ring failure. Never the less I purchased a new trans from SOS which shipped today. Once they receive the damaged 94 trans I will hear from them what the issues are. Of course at that point it purely informative as I have will have the new one. Curious to know though why an "out of range" transmission would fail. Given what I have seen people do with their cars on the track and the abuse the trasmission would presumably take it amazes me that I would experience a failure as I rarely drive the car very hard (or what would be considered track worthy). Whatever the case I always pay for it in the end. Could have just purchased a new trans but chose to go the cheap route. It's a good thing I love the car!

Did you confirm this replacement was not a snap ring trans. or just take the sellers word?

Yep, checked the number on the case and it wasn't in range. I knew it was a risk though purchasing it on the word of the previous owner. Oh well! Just have to see what SOS says I guess.

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No I don't track the car. Thats what my 100cc TonyKart is for! As for rev matching, yes I always rev match when down shifting and dabble in some heel-toe before the turns during spirited driving.

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Stating the obvious perhaps, but the snap ring is likely not the issue. You took a chance on a used tranny and lost that bet. You need to yank it and send it to one of the few specialists to be gone over. Don't have a local mechanic repair it. He won't have the required tools and this is not an easy trans for even an experienced mechanic. IMO it's so much hassle removing and installing, you likely will always want to replace some of the syncros at a minimum. The only way you could just throw in a used tranny was if you personally redlined it several times in the donor car to verify it was OK. Used = needed repair 99% of the time. It's not hard to rake honda trannys now and then. It adds up over time.
Stating the obvious perhaps, but the snap ring is likely not the issue. You took a chance on a used tranny and lost that bet. You need to yank it and send it to one of the few specialists to be gone over. Don't have a local mechanic repair it. He won't have the required tools and this is not an easy trans for even an experienced mechanic. IMO it's so much hassle removing and installing, you likely will always want to replace some of the syncros at a minimum. The only way you could just throw in a used tranny was if you personally redlined it several times in the donor car to verify it was OK. Used = needed repair 99% of the time. It's not hard to rake honda trannys now and then. It adds up over time.

Problem solved, it was a snap ring failure. My brand new rebuilt SOS tranny came in and it was swapped out in around 4 hours. Ramon is a beast at this stuff considering his ability to do the work with the constant intrusion of phone calls. I went to pick up the car and he still had the old trans there so I could see the ring in a bunch of pieces in the sight hole. The lesson I personally learned is don't buy a used trans b/c it's very easy to be dishonest and remove the trans sticker and grind down the metal for a smooth finish and reaply a 94 sticker on it which looks completely different (from what I have seen in the US) as it says "Inspected by Acura of Canada." Weird. I based this opinion upon looking at the sticker. Part of it is lifted off the trans and it looks like someone dremmeled the metal and reapplied the sticker. As an alternate option maybe a dealer "inspected" the trans, removed the OEM sticker and placed their's on there. Never the less a 94 trans shouldn't have the snap ring defect. Anyways no way to prove my speculation but even if I could it's pointless to pursue in my opinion. Just happy I have the car back and the new trans shifts wonderfullly. I need to get the pics of the old trans back, perhaps to post showing the sticker. Just to reiterate, I am quite pleased with the SOS rebuild. Thinking about sending my original trans that I got with the car to them for a rebuild (snap ring as well) just to have a working spare.

Looks like the guy in Canada screwed you royally. People - UHG! These transmissions are very robust and can handle just about anything you throw at them, not so with the clutches though. Just can't trust anyone these days :frown:.
Looks like the guy in Canada screwed you royally. People - UHG! These transmissions are very robust and can handle just about anything you throw at them, not so with the clutches though. Just can't trust anyone these days :frown:.

Yeah live and learn. I had spent about 5-6 grand 5 months before my first snap ring failure on having the engine dropped, every seal replaced except for head gaskets. Meaning even having all cam seals replaced, all hoses, harmonic balancer belts, WP, axel boots, etc etc etc. You name it, I replaced it, as I want the car to be trouble free for the most part. My brother has had three NSXs before so I was on the up and up regarding what I wanted done to the car. Also did brand new OEM clutch. With that said when I decided how to handle the unexpected trans failure (suppose I should have expected it though) I was attempting to travel the cheap route and get the low cost used transmission not to mention I had brand new headers sitting in my garage I wanted installed as well. Since then I have spent twice what I would have paid had I just purhcased the new trans from SOS. Oh well. I knew the car was "pay to play" so to speak. :rolleyes:

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