Transmission VIN #

14 August 2004
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Recently I've installed new transmission; however, I want to sell my old one.

Some nice NSXPrime members told me that I can find the Transmission VIN # in Engine bay. There is a question; is the VIN# comes with transmission ? Because I've installed new one. Will the VIN# stay the same or it stick on the transmission individually ???

Thanks for the help :)
Jeanie@NA2_NSX-R said:
Some nice NSXPrime members told me that I can find the Transmission VIN # in Engine bay. There is a question; is the VIN# comes with transmission ? Because I've installed new one. Will the VIN# stay the same or it stick on the transmission individually ???
The problem is in your terminology.

A "VIN" is a Vehicle Identification Number. It refers to the entire vehicle, not individual components in the vehicle.

Each transmission has a Transmission Identification Number, or Transmission Number. This identifier is associated with the transmission and you can find it on the transmission housing. (For instructions on finding it, go to the NSX FAQ, click on Do It Yourself, and click on Locating Engine, Transmission and VIN Numbers.)

So your VIN stays with your car, regardless of the new transmission, but the Transmission Identification Number for your old transmission will still apply to it when you sell it to someone.
nsxtasy said:
The problem is in your terminology.

A "VIN" is a Vehicle Identification Number. It refers to the entire vehicle, not individual components in the vehicle.

Each transmission has a Transmission Identification Number, or Transmission Number. This identifier is associated with the transmission and you can find it on the transmission housing. (For instructions on finding it, go to the NSX FAQ, click on Do It Yourself, and click on Locating Engine, Transmission and VIN Numbers.)

So your VIN stays with your car, regardless of the new transmission, but the Transmission Identification Number for your old transmission will still apply to it when you sell it to someone.

Thanks very much. That really helps :)